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פרופ' (אמריטוס) שפרה ברוכסון-ארביב

חדר1 בניין 502/4
שעות קבלה
בתיאום מראש
קורות חיים




1975 B.A., Bar-Ilan University


Bible, Jewish History


Librarianship and Information Science




1978 M.A., Bar-Ilan University


Jewish History




1986 Ph.D. (Cum laude), Bar-Ilan University


Jewish History




1991-The New York Training Institute for Nero linguistic programming


Practitioner of N.L.P Ericksonion Hypnosis




Academic Administrative Positions held in the University


Head, Department of Information Studies, 1990-1998,2012-


Member, Senate Library Committee


Member, Coordination Committee for Scientific Activities for Youth


Member, Disciplinary Appeals Committee


Member, Joshua and Bracha Barzilai Scholarship Fund – for Jewish bibliographic research


Head of exabitions committee




Public Positions and Professional Activities outside the University


Member, Ministry of Education Committee for the Education and Training of Librarians, 1990-1998


Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference of School Librarians, July 1998 (organized by: the International Association for School Librarianship)


Member, Organizing Committee, Conference of the Jewish Historical Society and Shazar Center on “Libraries and Book Collections”, June 2000


.Member, Organizing Committee- conference Israeli researchers in information science –every year-from 2003-


Member, Organizing Committee-British Israeli Conference on "Intern


Bar Ilan University May 2007




Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Information and Librarianship, Israel


Member, Editorial Advisory Board-Journal of Communication & Ethics in Society, England




Referee: Journal of Communication & Ethics in Society, England


Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology,




Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)


Maydaat, Israel












Membership in local organizations


S.M.L– Organization of Librarians and Information scientists in Israel






Membership in international organizations


IASL – International Association of School Librarianship


ICIE- International center for information Ethics,


RSA-The Royal Society for Encouragement of Arts, manufactures & Commerce, London.




Prizes and Awards


Jewish Memorial Foundation, 1982-1984




The Ruth Kahan Haber Scholarship for research on librarianship, Ministry of Education, 1985.




The Zalman Shazar(president of Israel) Prize for outstanding research in Judaic Studies, 1993.




International Biography Center, Cambridge England-Elected as one of  2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21th Century ,2009-2010




Fields of research: sociology an history of communication means  ;information behavior, reference work, info-ethics ,the information society; history of the Hebrew book




More than 50 master students


10 PhD students


תאריך עדכון אחרון : 04/03/2024