• המחלקה למדעי המידע
  • המחלקה למדעי המידע

Department of Information Science

The Department of Information Science educates students to serve as applied AI experts, full stack developers, data analysts, BI developers, and information and data managers in hi-tech companies and public institutions.

Find out what's going on
Meet Bar-Ilan University
Established in 1955, Bar-Ilan University is one of Israel leading research universities, with 8 faculties, thousands of courses spanning over all academic disciplines, and a plethora of students from all walks of life, enjoying BIU's award winning campus, advanced…
Dr. Louis Shekhtman Academic Staff
Research: Research: My research focuses on applying mathematical and computational tools to datasets across a variety of areas. In particular, I focus on…
ספרנות ומידענות Research Fields
Library studies and information science encompass all aspects of the…
Author: Yosef Solomon
Lawyers must provide their clients with competent legal services and professional representation.…
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