About Us

Department of Information Science

Specializing in the Influential and In-Demand Technologies of the 21st Century

In recent decades, information and big-data management has become a powerful tool that guides social, economic, political, and technological processes, affecting all aspects of our lives. Every move and action we make is being recorded: every entry to a mall, every delivery order from the supermarket, every Google search, every “like” on social media. Companies in all markets and sectors accumulate vast amounts of information about customers, competitors, the public, and the organization itself. The ability to find information, classify it, verify its reliability, extract trends and conclusions from it, and present it in an accessible visual format – these skills are a commodity required in the 21st century job market.

Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Information Science is a pioneer in its field in Israel and one of the leading departments in information science education and research worldwide. In 2017–2019, it was ranked among the top 100 departments in the world according to the Shanghai Ranking. Membership in the prestigious international iSchools association further attests to its excellence.

Without a Background in Technology, Programming, or Science 

Our graduates integrate into the industry in a variety of roles (both as employees and self-employed), working as data analysts, programmers, website developers and managers, information specialists (classical or technological), researchers, data enhancement specialists, digital experts, and digital marketing experts, librarians, full-stack developers, and more.

The department’s faculty consists of leading and renowned researchers in the field; their expertise covers a wide range of up-to-date and innovative topics in line with the changing and dynamic nature of information science today. This expertise allows us to offer you undergraduate specializations in two core areas of our field: information science and internet technologies. You can specialize in both areas or choose one, and the range of courses in each is very broad.

Here are some of the courses we offer in Information Science:

Social Media and Content Management, Introduction to Databases, Big Data for Information Professionals, Internet Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, Info-ethics, Government Information, Digital Marketing, and more.

Here are some of the courses we offer in Internet Technology:

Web Development, Algorithms, Client-side Technologies, Server-side Technologies, E-commerce, Web Development, Big Data Applications, Cyber, and more.


The department offers three tracks for master’s degree studies:

  • Information Science track trains knowledge managers in various fields, including business, healthcare, and law. Graduates of this track are qualified to work as information specialists, website administrators, and digital marketing professionals in high-tech companies and NGOs. The professional skills acquired through this track enable graduates to develop internal information systems and promote organizational processes, as well as realize the business and social potential through optimal use of digital information.
  • The Information Technology track provides knowledge and practical experience in the in-demand field of data analysis and the use of machine learning tools to build future plans for organizational development and cope with market challenges, technological changes, and varying needs.
  • The Digital Humanities track focuses on cultural, intellectual, and social effects study by expanding traditional humanities research to large-scale quantitative analysis methods, using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistical and visual analysis tools for big data. This track prepares students to become digital experts and big-data analysts, providing them with an understanding of the latest methods and technologies applicable to the humanities. This expertise is in demand in a variety of businesses, government offices, libraries, academic institutions, and heritage institutions.


Successfully completing the master’s degree allows you to continue your studies with us for a PhD in information science.

We Believe in Combinations

Our information science studies and technological tracks are a springboard for any other field of study that interests you and will give you leverage in any field you wish to pursue as a career. In particular, we recommend combining it with Middle Eastern studies, management and economics, archaeology, general history, communication, and English.

Today, information literacy skills are required in many fields, including business, communication, politics, medicine, education, and many others. Collecting information about competitors and the market serves as a basis for making business decisions; visual presentation of information is frequently used in written and broadcast communication, websites, and social networks; identifying trends in public opinion, such as political supporters and opponents, serves as a basis for taking action and determining appropriate strategies for influencing public opinion; identifying trends in public health allows us to combat diseases, develop necessary research, and transparently present information to the public to promote a healthy lifestyle; cataloging teaching methods serves as a basis for developing new pedagogies; and more.

Of course, all of today’s job sectors require the technological skills taught in our department:

Web development and analysis, proficiency in a variety of web languages, mobile app development, digital marketing and content, big-data applications, digital project management, and more.

We invite you to visit our Facebook page to get an impression of the department’s projects, activities, and the atmosphere that encourages research, learning, and leadership.


Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University

Ramat Gan 5290002

Phone: 03-5318351

Email: Information-Science.Dept@biu.ac.il