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Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra

502/4, Room 1
שעות קבלה
By Appointment
    קורות חיים



    B.A.- Bible, Jewish History; Librarianship and Information Science, Bar-Ilan University, 1975.


    M.A.- Jewish History, Bar-Ilan University, 1978.



    Ph.D. (Cum laude)- Jewish History, Bar-Ilan University, 1986.


    The New York Training Institute for Nero Linguistic Pgramming, 1991.


    Practitioner of N.L.P Ericksonion Hypnosis


    Academic Administrative Positions held in the University


    Head, Department of Information Studies, 1990-1998,2012-


    Member, Senate Library Committee


    Member, Coordination Committee for Scientific Activities for Youth


    Member, Disciplinary Appeals Committee


    Member, Joshua and Bracha Barzilai Scholarship Fund – for Jewish bibliographic research


    Head of exabitions committee


    Public Positions and Professional Activities outside the University


    Member, Ministry of Education Committee for the Education and Training of Librarians, 1990-1998


    Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference of School Librarians, July 1998 (organized by: the International Association for School Librarianship)


    Member, Organizing Committee, Conference of the Jewish Historical Society and Shazar Center on “Libraries and Book Collections”, June 2000


    .Member, Organizing Committee- conference Israeli researchers in information science –every year-from 2003-


    Member, Organizing Committee-British Israeli Conference on "Intern


    Bar Ilan University May 2007


    Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Information and Librarianship, Israel


    Member, Editorial Advisory Board-Journal of Communication & Ethics in Society, England


    Referee: Journal of Communication & Ethics in Society, England


    Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology,




    Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)


    Maydaat, Israel




    Membership in local organizations


    S.M.L– Organization of Librarians and Information scientists in Israel


    Membership in international organizations


    IASL – International Association of School Librarianship


    ICIE- International center for information Ethics,


    RSA-The Royal Society for Encouragement of Arts, manufactures & Commerce, London.


    Prizes and Awards


    Jewish Memorial Foundation, 1982-1984


    The Ruth Kahan Haber Scholarship for research on librarianship, Ministry of Education, 1985.


    The Zalman Shazar(president of Israel) Prize for outstanding research in Judaic Studies, 1993.


    International Biography Center, Cambridge England-Elected as one of  2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21th Century ,2009-2010


    Fields of research: sociology an history of communication means  ;information behavior, reference work, info-ethics ,the information society; history of the Hebrew book



    More than 50 master students

    10 PhD students



    Areas of Research

    sociology an history of communication means; information behavior, reference work, info-ethics ,the information society; history of the Hebrew book



    • Libraries of the Renaissance. Conference of the Organization of Israeli
    Librarians, Jerusalem, 1986.

    • Holy Scriptures and Classical Heritage at the Close of the Renaissance.
    Conference of the Israeli Society for the Study of the Middle Ages, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1986.

    • Methodological Aspects of the Research of Jewish LibrariesJudaic librarians, Jerusalem, 1989.

    Reading among Jews and Christians: A Comparative Study, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1990.

    Bibliotherapy in Libraries, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1990.

    Bibliotherapy in Israeli Libraries. Info 91 Conference, Tel Aviv, 1991.

    • Librarianship – Curriculum for the year 2000. Organization of Israeli
    Librarians, Tel Aviv, 1993.

    • Journey into the Past – Information and Libraries in Jewish History.
    Info 93 Conference
    , Tel Aviv, 1993. • Cultural and Social -Economic Aspects of Libraries of the Renaissance Jews.
    Conference on the Jews and the Mediterranean Sea, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1993.

    • Social information – A new Scientific Field in Information Science and Librarianship.
    Special Panel: lecture given by Prof. Baruchson-Arbib
    and presentation of works of four M.A.
    students under her supervision. Info 95 Conference, Tel Aviv, 1995.

    • Internet in Libraries and Information centers. Info 97 Conference, Tel Aviv, 1997.

    • The Library as a Community Information Center. Conference of the Instruction
    Center for Public Libraries, The 17th Conference, Jerusalem, 1998.

    • New Directions in Historical Research Methods. Guest lecture in departmental
    seminar, Department of Jewish History, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1998.

    • The Role of the Information Scientist and Librarian in Integrating Internet in
    Libraries. Info 98 Conference, Tel Aviv, 1998.

    Social Information Science and the School library. 27th International Conference of the International Association for School Librarianship – Education for All; Culture, Reading and Information, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1998.

    • The Profession of Librarianship in a Changing Society. Info 99 Conference, Tel Aviv, 1999.

    • The Information Profession: From changing to upgrading (lecture and panel chairman),
    Info 2000 Conference, Tel Aviv, 2000.

    • The Digital Library in the Service of the Historian. Conference of the Zalman Shazar
    Center for Jewish History and the Jewish Historical Society, Jerusalem, 2000.

    • Curriculum for “Social Information Science” – Evaluation and Application. 66th International
    Conference of IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations, Jerusalem, 2000.

    L'etude des bibliotheques privees en Italie a la fin de la Renaissance-source de
    l'etude de la culture juive .Sorbonne university ,Paris November 2000.

    • Member of a discussion group-UNESCO-INFOETHIC International conference, Paris November 2000.

    • The Printer Daniel Bomberg(Venice 1515-1548)The Man and the Riddle-Schocken Institute for
    Jewish research-January 2001 .

    • Internet in the Libraries(Charmin).Info 2001 conference, Tel Aviv,2001.

    • The Future of the Information science profession. Department of Information Science
    Bar-Ilan university-colloquium 2001.

    • Information Literacy: Knowledge and Awareness, Info 2002 Conference. Tel Aviv,2002.

    Bibliology and weblogy. conference of Israeli researches in information science, Bar Ilan 2003.

    • Man Woman and computers. conference of Israeli researches in information science Haifa
    university 2004(with S.Doron(s)).

    • Info ethics in digital divide, conference of Israeli researches in information
    Science bar Ilan university 2005.

    • Info ethics and digital divide :A voyage in the Labyrinth of knowledge :conference -50
    years to Bar Ilan Libraries,Bar Ilan 2006.

    • Information as a tool for Life Managing enhancing the aberrance of youngsters, Information
    science conference of Israeli researches in information science Haifa
    university 2004(with V.Hornstein(s)).

    • Printed and digital Media, Info 2006 Conference. Tel Aviv,2006.

    • Analysis of queries reaching SHIL on the Web - An information system providing citizen
    information.The 6th conference on next generation information technologies and systems, July 4-6, 2006,
    Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel(a paper written by :Ravid, G., Bar-Ilan, J., Rafaeli, S., & Baruchson-Arbib- presented by J.Bar Ilan).

    The role of information in a lifetime process – A model of weight maintenance by women
    over long time periods. Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) Conference held at the University of Technology
    in Sydney on 19-21 July, 2006,(a paper written by: Bar-Ilan, J., Shalom, N., Baruchson-Arbib, S., Shoham, S., & Getz, I.- presented by J. bar Ilan).

    • The culture of reading among Italian Jewry: The people of the book from the renaissance
    to the counter reformation. Reading adventures International conference 19-21 February 2007 Jerusalem.

    • Awareness an Information :The web and individual empowerment ,British-Israeli conference- the
    future of web interactions, Bar-Ilan university,30 april 2007

    • "libraries in the world changes and challenges, march 2008-info2008 Tel Aviv

    " information science from change to upgrade . The annual conference for researchers in information science" Western Galilee college june 2008

    • Teachers attitude toward computers & IT in the Arabic sector Multimedia conference 16 march Ramat Gan2009

    • Internet addiction- head of panel 4 may 2009-info2009 Tel Aviv

    • What is social information science? Implementation in libraries Kotar rishon-library-shil conference ,May.2009 rishon lesion

    • The future of the library, May 2010-info2010 Tel Aviv

    . Wikipedia-head of section- 2011-info2010 Tel Aviv

    .Info-ethics-the labyrinth of the Web,june 2012 The annual conference for researchers in information science" Western Galilee college"

    .Ethical code for information professionals,March2013-info2010 Tel Aviv


    Course no. 35-845: Law and Info-ethics.

    Course no. 35-915: The "Digital Man"- Changes and Substance.

    Course no. 35-943: Social Information Science Seminar.

    Course no. 35-993: Reference Work.




    1.Baruchson-Arbib, S

    Books and Readers – The Reading Interests of Italian Jews at the
    Close of the Renaissance, Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1993
    (awarded the Zalman Shazar Prize for outstanding research in Judaic Studies, 1993).

    2.Baruchson-Arbib, S
    Social Information Science: Love, Health and the Information Society –
    The Challenge of the 21st Century, Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 1996.

    3. Baruchson-Arbib, S.
    La culture liveresque des Juifs d'Italie a la Fin de la Renaissance, Paris,CNRS - Institut de Recherche et D’Histoire des Textes ,2001.
    (translation of part 2 of” Books and Readers” with an introduction by
    Prof.Jean Pierre Rothschild)


    Baruchson Arbib S. (editor)Information Science Facing Social and
    Ethical Challenges", journal of Information Communication and Ethics in
    Society volume 5 issue2/3(a double issue)2007 pp.51-269.


    Papers –Referred Journals

    1.Baruchson-Arbib, S. Five Letters by 15th century German Rabbis”. Alei Sefer, 6-7 (1979): 85-101. (Hebrew).

    2.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Yishak Sulam's Professional Library, Mantua 1595”, Alei Sefer, 10 (1982) pp. 37-50 (Hebrew).

    3.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Nuova bibliologia e storia del libro ebraico”, Annuario di Studi Ebraici,10, (1984) pp.17-28.

    4.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “On the trade in Hebrew books between Italy and the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century”, East and Maghreb, 5, (1986) pp.53-77. (Hebrew).

    5.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Distribution of books - Holy Scriptures and Classical Literature in the Libraries of Italian Renaissance Jews”. Italia, 8, (1989) pp. 87-98. (Hebrew).

    6.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Money and culture - Financing Sources and Methods in the Hebrew Printing Shops in Cinquecento Italy”, La Bibliofilia - Revista di storia del libro e di bibliografia, 92, (1990) pp. 23-39.

    7.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “The Investigation of Hebrew books and Bibliometrics”, Yad Lakore – Israel Journal of Library Information and Archive Science, 24, (1989) pp. 41-52. (Hebrew).

    8.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “ In Search of the Lost Books of the 15th and 16th Centuries”, Alei Sefer, 16, (1990) pp. 37-57. (Hebrew).

    9.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Dati statistici e storia culturale: Le biblioteche degli ebrei di Mantova (1595)”, La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 60, (1993) pp. 95-105.

    10.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Journey into the Past: Information and Libraries in Italian Jewish Society during the Renaissance”, Bulletin of the Israeli Society of Special Libraries and Information Center, 20, (1993) pp. 3-6. (Hebrew).

    11.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Jewish libraries: Culture and Reading interests in 16th century Italy”, Library History, 10, (1994) pp. 19-26.

    12.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “ The prices of Hebrew Printed Books in Cinquecento Italy”, La Bibliofilia - Revista di storia del libro e di bibliografia, 97, (1995) pp. 149-161.

    13.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “ Hilf durch Bucher in medizinischen und sozialen einrichtungen in Israel. Gedenkschrift Dr. Med. Edith Mundt-Kranke Kinder brauchen Buche,. Munchen, Deutschen Arztinnenbundes, (1996) pp. 137-144.

    14..Baruchson-Arbib, S. “ Libraries in Senior Housing in Israel: Finding of a Survey”, Information and Librarianship, 22,
    (1996) pp.13-18. (Hebrew).

    15.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “ The ‘Self-Help Section’ in Public Libraries - The Case of Israel”, Public Library Quarterly, 16,
    (1996) pp. 41-49.

    16.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Information and Supportive Literature in "Aid Organizations": The Case of Israel”, Libri, 46,
    (1996) pp. 168-172.

    17.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Social Information Science and the School library: Education for all”, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the International Association for School Librarianship, (July ,1998) pp.1-7.

    18.Baruchson-Arbib, S. "The digital library at the service of the historian", Libraries and Book Collections, (ed.Yosef Kaplan&Moshe Sluhovsky), Jerusalem, Zalman Shazar, Center for Jewish History, 2006 pp.483-496.(Hebrew)

    19. Baruchson-Arbib, S. "The department of information science: from an environment of printed publications to a virtual environment", Bar-Ilan university: From Concept to Enterprise, 1 (ed. Dov Swartz) Ramat Gan,Bar Ilan University Press, 2006.pp437-447. (Hebrew)

    20.. Baruchson-Arbib, S. “The Book and the Bread: The Future of the Printed Book in the Information Society”, Yad-Lakore – Israel Journal of Library Information and Archive Science, 30, (1997) pp. 45-50. (Hebrew).

    20a.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Books and Bread – Food for the Soul and food for the Body: The Future of the Printed book in the Information Society”, La Bibliofilia, 102, (2000) pp.299-308.

    21. Baruchson-Arbib, S. “The Public library and the problem of hospital Libraries for patients”, Public Library Quarterly,
    17, (1999) pp. 79-88.

    22.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Social information science: A challenge of the 21st century”, Information and Librarianship,
    25(1), (2000) pp. 16-26. (Hebrew).

    23.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Social information science – From vision to reality”, Information and Librarianship, 25(2), (2000) pp. 23-32. (Hebrew).

    24.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “The Future of bibliotherapy in school libraries – An Israeli experiment”, School Libraries
    Worldwide, 6(2), (2000) pp. 102-110.

    25.Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Curriculum for “social information science”: Evaluation and application”. IFLA Journal, 27(1), (2001) pp. 19-23.

    26.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Bronstein, J. (s*) “A view to the future of the library and information science profession: A delphi study,
    Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(5), (2002) pp.397 –408.

    27.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Shor, F. (s) ”The use of electronic information sources by Israeli college students, Journal of Academic
    Librarianship, 28(4), (2002) pp. 255-257.

    28. Lapon Kandelshein, E (s) and Baruchson-Arbib, S “Hebrew scientific publications from 15th to 18th centuries : Social and cultural aspects”,
    La Bibliofilia, 104(2), (2002) pp.167-188.

    29.Bilous, Y(s). and Baruchson-Arbib, S. “Teaching information skills to elementary school students by building an electronic resource
    center, Information and librarianship, 26(2), (2002) pp.22-31. (Hebrew)

    30.Baruchson-Arbib, S., Bassi, N. and Mattas, P “The website of the public library: Information technology as an agent of change-case study of
    "Mateh Asher" regional library , Public Library quarterly ,21(4), (2002) pp. 27-45

    31.Varda Shemes,(s) V., Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Shoham, S. “Community information and the public library: information needs survey
    of an urban community in Israel”, Yad La –Kore, (2003) pp. 37-55.

    32.Bronstein, J(s). and Baruchson-Arbib, S. ”Information seeking behavior: Model analysis toward a user centered approach”, Meidaat:
    Journal of information science and librarianship, 1, (2004) pp. 3-14. (Hebrew)

    33.Rogerson, S., Baruchson-Arbib, S., Weckert, J., Dalgadno, B., Capurro, R., Murata, K. and Szejko.”Opinions on the technologically-dependent society", Information Communication and
    Ethics in Society, 2, (2004) pp.15-21.

    34.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Kvity, T. (s)*
    ”The publication of “self-help-books” in Israel”, Public Library Quarterly, 23(2,) (2004) pp. 33-48.

    35.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Yaari, E. (s)
    “Printed versus Internet plagiarism: A study of students’ perception”, International
    Journal of Information Ethics, 1, (2004) pp.1-7.

    36.Baruchson-Arbib, S.
    “’Social information science’ – as a concept for assimilating smart Internet usage in
    multi-cultural society: The case of Israel”, International Journal of Information Ethics, 2, (2004) pp.14-22.

    37.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Mendelovitz, S. (s)
    ”Study of library and information science students’ perception and evaluation of their
    profession: A profession in transition and students as agents of change” Libri, 54(2), (2004) pp. 82-97.

    38.Baruchson-Arbib, S Valerie Magidov(s)
    .”Evaluation of Israeli health and medical websites :A challenge for the health consumer”, Information and Librarianship, 28, (2005) pp.5-15. (with Valerie Magidov). (Hebrew)

    39.Yaari, E. (s) and Baruchson-Arbib, S.
    "An analysis of students' level of knowledge regarding plagiarism acts un the academic world",
    Meidaat: Journal of information science and librarianship, 2 (2006) pp. 3-16

    40.Baruchson-Arbib, S., Shoham, S. and Yaari, E. (s)
    "Community information needs of the urban population in Israel", Libri, 56(2), (2006) pp.83-96.

    41. Baruchson-Arbib, S., Shoham, S. and Guri, O. (s)
    ”An exploratory study of start-up entrepreneurs usage of the Internet”, Journal of Information Science, 32(1), (2006) pp.49-62.

    42.Ravid, G., Bar-Ilan, J., Rafaeli, S. and Baruchson-Arbib, S.
    "Analysis of queries reaching SHIL on the Web - An information system providing citizen information", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4032, (2006) pp. 26-37.

    43.Bar-Ilan, J., Shalom, N., Shoham, S., Baruchson-Arbib, S and Getz, I.
    "The role of information in a lifetime process: a model of weight maintenance by women over long time periods", IR-Information Research, 11(4), (2006) pp.1-13.

    44.Baruchson Arbib S. and E.  Lapon Kandelshein
    "The ladino press in Eretz israel:from Bak to Azeriali(1843-1923)"Machbarot to Judit:  research presented for prof.Judit Dishon ,Bar Ilan university press,2013,pp351-388

    45. Ravid,G. Bar-Ilan,J. Rafaeli S. and Baruchson-Arbib S
    "Popularity and fundability through log analysis of search terms and queries: The case of a multilingual public service Web site" Journal of Information Science(2007) 33: 567-583

    46 Bronstein, J. and Baruchson-Arbib, S. (2008)." The Application of Cost & Benefit and Least Effort Theories in Studies of Information Seeking Behavior of Humanists." Journal of Information Science, 34(2), 131-144.

    47.Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Bronstein, J. "Humanists as information users in the digital age: the case of Jewish studies scholars". Journal of the American society for information science and technology, (2007) 58(14),pp. 269-268

    48. Baruchson Arbib Shifra and Prebore gila(s)(2007)
    "Sefer Ha-Ziquq(An Index of Forbidden Hebrew Books)-The Book's use and it's influence on Hebrew Printing" La Bibliofilia - Revista di storia del libro e di bibliografia,109(1)pp.3-31

    49.Baruchson Arbib S & HorensteinV. "An Experiment to Enhance Awareness of the Power of Information: The Social Information Science Concept and Individual Empowerment in Israeli High Schools" journal of
    Information Communication and Ethics in Society,5,2/3(2007)pp.79-97

    50.Baruchson Arbib S.Guest editorial-" The Contribution of Information Science to the Social and Ethical Challenges of the Information Age" journal of Information Communication and Ethics in
    Society volume 5 ,2/3(2007)pp. 53-58.

    51. Hetz, H. Baruchson-Arbib, S. Shalom, N.and Bronstein, J." Managing public libraries in an era of change", Meidaat :Journal of information science and librarianship,6,(2010) pp.4-30. (Hebrew)

    52. Ravid, G. Bar-Ilan, J. Baruchson-Arbib, S. Yaari, E. Rafaeli, S. and Weiss, N“A user survey of a site providing citizen information: Preliminary findings of” Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems2010 Available at:


    53. Yaari,E.Baruchson Arbib,S and Bar-Ilan,J "Information quality assessment of community generated content: A user study of Wikipedia"  Journal of Information Science ,37 (5), (2011)pp.487-498


    54. Bar-Ilan, J., Baruchson-Arbib, S., Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G. and Yaari, E.
    “Information needs of Israelis on citizen-related information: Results of a survey”Libri 61, (4)-2011) pp.298–308


    55. Finzi, S. Bronstein, J. Bar-Ilan, J. Baruchson-Arbib S., Rafaeli, S. and Ravid, G. “Volunteers acting as information providers to citizens”Aslib Proceedings ,  64, (3)2012,pp 289-303

    56. Yaari,E. Baruchson Arbib,S and Bar-Ilan,J. "Wikipedia: a view over an environment that changed the status of content in the 21 century"Gadish 13,(2012)pp170-184 (Hebrew)


    57. Shalom,N. Baruchson Arbib,S. Bar-Ilan,J. Ravid,G.and Rafaeli,S."Informatiom center for the citizens in a library: the case of "cotar rishon" in Rishon le Zion",Meidaat :Journal of information science and librarianship,8(2012)pp 46-62(Hebrew)


    58. Ravid,G. Judit Bar-Ilan S. Baruchson-Arbib, Yaari,E. Aharony,N. Rafaeli,S.and Nirit Weis "I just wanted to ask?: A comparison of user studies of the Citizens Advice Bureau (SHIL) in Israel" Journal of Librarianship and Information Science(accepted)


    59. Walid, A. Baruchson-Arbib,S"Teachers and Information Technologies in a Traditional Society: The Case of al-Qasimi College"Darona( to appear in Information Communication and Ethics in Society)

    Book reviews

    60. Baruchson Arbib S. "Marvin J.Heller,The Sixteenth Century Hebrew BooK-An Abridged Thesaurus,I-II,Brill,
    Leiden-boston 2004",Zion ,71(1)(2006)pp.109-111.(Hebrew)

    באמצעי התקשורת

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    Fax:  972-3-7384027



      Contact Address:

    Bar-Ilan University
    Faculty of Humanities
    Department of Information Science
    Ramat-Gan 5290002,Israel

    Last Updated Date : 04/03/2024