ספרים חדשים 12/2014

רשימות הספרים החדשים שהתקבלו בספריה מאורגנות על פי סדר הגעת הספרים:

חזרה לדף הראשי , ארכיון


knowledge.jpg Adolf, Marian
London : Routledge, 2014
306.42 ADO k
the_apa_pocket_handbook.jpg Rossiter, Jill
The APA pocket handbook
Port Saint Lucie, FL : DW Pub. Co., 2010
808.06615 ROS a
making_cents_out_of_knowledge_management.jpg Liebowitz, Jay
Making cents out of knowledge management
Lanham, Mariland : Scarecrow Press, 2008
658.4038 MAK 2008
sams_teach_yourself_android_application_development_in_24_hours.jpg Delessio, Carmen
Sams teach yourself Android application development in 24 hours
Indianapolis, Indiana : Sams, 2014
005.276 DEL s3
community_library_programs_that_work.jpg Maddigan, Beth
Community library programs that work : building youth and family literacy
Santa Barbara, California : Libraries Unlimited, 2014
021.2 MAD c
big_data_-_a_revolution_that_will_transform_how_we_live.jpg Mayer-Schonberger, Viktor
Big data : a revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think
Boston : Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014
306.46 MAY-SCH b
big_data_big_innovation.jpg Stubbs, Evan
Big data, big innovation : enabling competitive differentiation through business analytics
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2014
658.4013 STU b
serving_online_customers.jpg Barclay, Donald A
Serving online customers : lessons for libraries from the business world
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
020.2854678 BAR s
building_communities.jpg Garofalo, Denise A
Building communities : social networking for academic libraries
Oxford : Chandos Publishing, an imprint of Woodhead Publishing, 2013
302.30285 GAR b
getting_started_with_sql_server_2014_administration.jpg Ellis, Gethyn
Getting started with SQL server 2014 administration : optimize your database server to be fast, efficient, and highly secure using the brand new features of SQL server 2014
Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2014
005.756 ELL g
sams_teach_yourself_sql_in_24_hours.jpg Stephens, Ryan K
Sams teach yourself SQL in 24 hours
Indianapolis, Ind. : Sams, 2011
005.7565 STE s5
introduction_to_reference_and_information_services.jpg Farmer, Lesley S. J
Introduction to reference and information services in today’s school library
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
025.52778 FAR i
digital_access_and_e-government.jpg Peter Mazebe II Mothataesi Sebina, Kgomotso H. Moahi, and Kelvin Joseph Bwalya
Digital access and E-government : perspectives from developing and emerging countries
Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, 2014
352.380285 DIG 2014
library_automation.jpg Bilal, Dania
Library automation : core concepts and practical systems analysis
Santa Barbara, California : Libraries Unlimited, 2014
025.00285 BIL l3
search_engines_link_analysis_and_users_web_behavior.jpg Meghabghab, George
Search engines, link analysis, and user’s Web behavior
Berlin : Springer, 2010
006.3 MEG s
information_systems_for_knowledge_management_0.jpg Ines Saad, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, Faiez Gargouri
Information systems for knowledge management
London : Wiley-ISTE, 2014
658.40038 INF 2014
how_to_conduct_surveys.jpg Fink, Arlene
How to conduct surveys : a step-by-step guide
Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2013
301.0723 FIN h5
ethics_and_librarianship.jpg Hauptman, Robert
Ethics and librarianship
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2002
174.9020 HAU e
reclaiming_the_american_library_past.jpg Suzanne Hildenbrand
Reclaiming the American library past : writing the women in
Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Pub., 1996
020.82 REC 1996
preserving_complex_digital_objects.jpg Janet Delve and David Anderson
Preserving complex digital objects
London : Facet, 2014
025.84 PRE 2014
perspectives_on_social_media.jpg Piet A.M. Kommers, Pedro Isaias & Tomayess Issa
Perspectives on social media : a yearbook
New York : Routledge, 2015
302.2310072 PER 2015
from_people_to_entities.jpg Demartini, Gianluca
From people to entities : new semantic search paradigms for the web
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2014
025.524 DEM f
cybercrime_-_the_psychology_of_online_offenders.jpg Kirwan, Grainne
Cybercrime : the psychology of online offenders
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013
364.168 KIR c
the_action_research_dissertation.jpg Herr, Kathryn
The action research dissertation : a guide for students and faculty
Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., 2015
300.72 HER a2
qualitative_networks.jpg Bellotti, Elisa
Qualitative networks : mixing methods in social research
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015
302.3 BEL q
information_security.jpg Merkow, Mark S.
Information security : principles and practices
Indianapolis, Indiana : Pearson, 2014
005.8 MER i2
digital_library_technologies.jpg Edward A. Fox, Ricardo da Silva Torres
Digital library technologies : complex objects, annotation, ontologies, classification, extraction, and security
San Rafael, California: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2014
025.00285 DIG 2014
an_easyguide_to_apa_style.jpg Schwartz, Beth M.
An easyguide to APA style
Los Angeles : SAGE Publications, 2014
808.06615 SCHW e2
using_ibm_spss_statistics_for_research_methods_and_social_science_statistics.jpg Wagner, William E.
Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Research Methods and Social Science Statistics
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2015
300.285555 WAG u5
focus_groups.jpg Stewart, David W.
Focus groups : theory and practice
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2015
300.723 STE f3
survey_research_methods.jpg Fowler, Floyd J.
Survey research methods
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014
301.0723 FOW s5
information_seeking_behaviour_among_school_children.jpg Maddaiah, Nayakanti
Information Seeking Behaviour Among School Children
Saarbrucken LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2014
025.524083 MAD i
basic_research_methods_for_librarians.jpg Connaway, Lynn Silipigni
Basic research methods for librarians
Santa Barbara, California : Libraries Unlimited, 2010
020.72 CON b5
social_media_communication.jpg Lipschultz, Jeremy Harris
Social media communication: concepts, practices, data, law and ethics
New York, NY ; Routledge, 2015
302.231 LIP s
the_sage_handbook_of_digital_technology_research.jpg Sara Price, Carey Jewitt, Barry Brown (Ed.)
The SAGE handbook of digital technology research
London : SAGE, 2013
621.381072 SAG 2013
qualitative_data_analysis_with_atlas_dot_ti.jpg Friese, Susanne
Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014
001.420285 FRI q2
knowledge_management_handbook_-_collaboration_and_social_networking.jpg Jay Liebowitz (Ed.)
Knowledge management handbook: collaboration and social networking
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2012
658.4038 KNO 2012
investigating_internet_crimes_-_an_introduction_to_solving_crimes_in_cyberspace.jpg Shipley, Todd G
Investigating internet crimes: an introduction to solving crimes in cyberspace
Waltham, MA : Syngress, 2014
363.250285 SHI i
mastering_javaserver_faces_2_2_master_the_art_of_implementing_user_interfaces_with_jsf_2_2.jpg Leonard, Anghel
Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2: master the art of implementing user interfaces with JSF 2.2 
[England]: Packt Publishing, 2014
005.7126 LEO m
sams_teach_yourself_jquery_and_javascript_in_24_hours.jpg Dayley, Brad
Sams teach yourself jQuery and JavaScript in 24 hours 
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Sams, 2014
005.133 DAY s
professional_asp_dot_net_mvc.jpg Galloway, Jon 
Professional ASP.NET MVC 
Indianapolis, IN: Wrox, a Wiley brand, 2014
006.7882 GAL p
essential_law_for_information_professionals.jpg Paul Pedley
Essential law for information professionals
London : Facet, 2011
344.42 PED e3
digital_information_-_order_or_anarchy.jpg Hazel Woodward, Lorraine Estelle (ed.)
Digital information: order or anarchy?
London : Facet Publishing 2010
011.39 DIG 2010
jquery_2.0_development_cookbook.jpg Revill, Leon
jQuery 2.0 development cookbook: over 80 recipes providing modern solutions to web development problems with real-world examples
Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2014
005.276 REV j
predictive_analytics.jpg Siegel, Eric
Predictive analytics: the power to predict who will click, buy, lie, or die
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2013
303.49 SIE p
survey_of_library__museum_digitization_projects_2014.jpg Survey of library & museum digitization projects, 2014 edition
New York: Primary Research Group, 2014
025.84021 SUR 2014
all_this_stuff_-_archiving_the_artist.jpg Judy Vaknin, Karyn Stuckey, Victoria Lane. Faringdon (ed.)
All this stuff: archiving the artist
Faringdon, Oxfordshire : Libri Publishing, 2013
025 ALL 2013
learn_to_code_html_and_css_-_develop_and_style_websites.png Howe, Shay
Learn to code HTML & CSS: develop & style websites
Berkeley : New Riders, 2014
006.74 HOW I
big_data_analytics_for_beginners.jpg Faraz Rabbani, Ali Roghani.
Big data analytics for beginners
India: Crux Tech Limited, 2014
004.7 RAB b
cyber_threat_-_how_to_manage_the_growing_risk_of_cyber_attacks_0.jpg N. MacDonnell Ulsch.
Cyber threat!: how to manage the growing risk of cyber attacks
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014
658.478 ULS c
redesigning_the_college_library_building_2014.jpg Redesigning the college library building, 2014 edition
New York: Primary Research Group, 2013
027.7 RED 2013
security_in_cyberspace.jpg Giampiero Giacomello (ed.)
Security in cyberspace : targeting nations, infrastructures, individuals
New York, NY : Bloomsbury, 2014.
363.3 SEC 2014
library_and_information_science.jpg Michael Bemis
Library and information science : a guide to key literature and sources
London : Facet Publishing, 2014.
016.02 BEM l
media_society_-_industries_images_and_audiences.jpg David Croteau, William Hoynes
Media/society : industries, images, and audiences
Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, 2014
302.23 CRO m5
digital_preservation_for_libraries_archives_and_museums.jpg Edward M. Corrado and Heather Lea Moulaison
Digital preservation for libraries, archives, and museums
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
025.84 COR d
the_comparative_method_-_moving_beyond_qualitative_and_quantitative_strategies_ltqn_tmvnh.jpg Charles Ragin
The comparative method : moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies
Berkeley, California : University of California Press, 2014
300.72 RAG ca
from_knowledge_abstraction_to_management_ltqn_tmvnh.jpg Aparajita Suman
From knowledge abstraction to management : using Ranganathan’s faceted schema to develop conceptual frameworks for digital libraries
Oxford, UK : Chandos Publishing, 2014.
025.2 SUM f
copyright_for_academic_librarians_and_professionals.jpg Rebecca P. Butler
Copyright for academic librarians and professionals
Chicago : ALA Editions, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2014.
346.73 BUT c
the_survey_of_academic_libraries_2014-15_edition.jpg Primary Research Group
The survey of academic libraries, 2014-15 edition
[New York] Primary Research Group, 2014
027.773021 SUR 2014
i_have_a_new_customer_for_you.jpg איתי פז
יש לי לקוחות חדשים בשבילך : המדריך להשגת לקוחות באינטרנט
[רמת-גן] : מדיה 10, תשע"ד 2014. ‬
658.84 פז.יש תשע"ד ‬
knowledge_management_in_healthcare.jpg Lorri Zipperer (ed.)
Knowledge management in healthcare
Farnham, Surrey : Gower Publishing Limited, 2014
362.1068 KNO 2014
research_within_the_disciplines_-_foundations_for_reference_and_library_instruction.jpg Peggy Keeran and Michael Levine-Clark (eds.)
Research within the disciplines : foundations for reference and library instruction
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
020.72 RES 2014
No_Picture.jpg יואב גל
אבירי השיווק : ניהול בתנאים של כלכלת ידע ניאו-פיאודלית
[קרית טבעון] : אוסטרקון, 2013. ‬
658.8 גל.אבי תשע"ג
customer-based_collection_development.jpg Karl Bridges (ed.)
Customer-based collection development : an overview
London : Facet Publishing, 2014.
025.21 CUS 2014
collection_management_basics.jpg G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro
Collection management basics
Santa Barbara, California : Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2012
025.21 EVA c6
sustainability_of_scholarly_information.jpg G.G. Chowdhury
Sustainability of scholarly information
London : Facet Publishing 2014.
025.04 CHO s
delivering_research_data_management_services.jpg Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte (eds.)
Delivering research data management services : fundamentals of good practice
London : Facet Publishing, 2014.
025.04 DEL 2014
r_for_everyone_-_advanced_analytics_and_graphics.jpg Jared P. Lander
R for Everyone : advanced analytics and graphics
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Addison-Wesley, 2014
519.502855 LAN r
data_just_right_-_introduction_to_large-scale_data_and_analytics.jpg Michael Manoochehri
Data just right : introduction to large-scale data & analytics
Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, 2014
005.743 MAN d
html5_game_development_insights.jpg Colt McAnlis [and 19 others]
HTML5 game development insights
Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
006.74 HTML 2014
designing_surveys_-_a_guide_to_decisions_and_procedures.jpg Johnny Blair, Ronald F. Czaja, Edward A. Blair
Designing surveys : a guide to decisions and procedures
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014
001.4222 CZA d3
terrorism_and_communication_-_a_critical_introduction.jpg Jonathan Matusitz
Terrorism & communication : a critical introduction
Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE, 2013.
363.325 MAT t
methods_of_meta-analysis_-_correcting_error_and_bias_in_research_findings.jpg Frank L. Schmidt, John E. Hunter
Methods of meta-analysis : correcting error and bias in research findings
Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE, 2015
300.72 HUN m3
research_methods_in_social_relations.jpg Geoffrey Maruyama and Carey S. Ryan
Research methods in social relations
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
300.72 MAR r8
social_computing_and_social_media.jpg Gabriele Meiselwitz (ed.)
Social computing and social media : 6th International Conference, SCSM 2014, held as part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014 : proceedings
Cham : Springer, 2014
302.23 SCSM 2014
cybercrime_and_society.jpg Majid Yar
Cybercrime and society
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2013
364.168 MAJ c2
records_management_and_information_culture.jpg Gillian Oliver and Fiorella Foscarini
Records management and information culture : tackling the people problem
London : Facet Publishing, 2014.
651.5 OLI r
an_education_in_facebook.jpg Mike Kent and Tama Leaver (eds.)
An Education in Facebook? : higher education and the world's largest social network
New York, NY : Routledge, 2014.
378.17344678 EDU 2014
abridged_dewey_decimal_classification_and_relative_index.jpg Joan S. Mitchell, Julianne Beall, Rebecca Green, Michael Panzer (eds.)
Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index
Dublin, Ohio : OCLC, 2012.
025.431 DEW a15
using_qualitative_methods_in_action_research.jpg Douglas Cook and Lesley Farmer (eds.)
Using qualitative methods in action research : how librarians can get to the why of data
[Chicago] : Association of College and Research Libraries, 2011.
025.5877 USI 2011
preserving_archives.jpg Helen Forde and Jonathan Rhys-Lewis
Preserving archives
London : Facet Publishing, 2013.
025.84 FOR p2
information_experience_-_approaches_to_theory_and_practice.jpg Christine Bruce, Kate Davis, Hilary Hughes, Helen Partridge and Ian Stoodley (eds.)
Information experience : approaches to theory and practice
Bingley, UK Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014.
025.524 INF 2014
social_networks_-_analysis_and_case_studies.jpg Sule Gunduz-Oguducu, A. Sima Etaner-Uyar (eds.)
Social networks : analysis and case studies
Wien : Springer, 2014.
006.754 SOC 2014
law_librarianship_in_the_digital_age.jpg Ellyssa Kroski (ed.)
Law librarianship in the digital age
Lanham, Md. : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2014.
026.34 LAW 2014
jquery_in_easy_steps.jpg Mike McGrath
jQuery in easy steps
Leamington Spa : In Easy Steps, 2014.
006.76 MAC-GRA j
understanding_digital_marketing.jpg Damian Ryan
Understanding digital marketing : marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation
London ; Kogan Page, 2014 Philadelphia :
658.872 RYA u3
the_alliance_-_managing_talent_in_the_networked_age.jpg Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, Chris Yeh
The alliance : managing talent in the networked age
Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2014
658.3 HOF a
reading_writing_and_literacy_2.jpg Denise Johnson
Reading, writing, and literacy 2.0 : teaching with online texts, tools, and resources, K-8
New York, NY : Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014
372.60285 JOH r
information_security_management_handbook.jpg Richard O’Hanley, James S. Tiller (eds.)
Information security management handbook : Volume 7
Boca Raton ; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
005.8 INF 2014
silencing_the_past.jpg Ron Boublil
Silencing the past : the Arab spring, Israel and the Jews of Tunisia
Montreal : TPI Publishers, 2013.
D4(61) BOU s
reference_and_access.jpg Kate Theimer (ed.)
Reference and access : innovative practices for archives and special collections
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
027 REF 2014
how_to_manage_processing_in_archives_and_special_collections.jpg Pam Hackbart-Dean and Elizabeth Slomba
How to manage processing in archives and special collections
Chicago, IL : American Library Association, 2013.
025.1 HAC-DEA h
pmbok_guide.jpg מדריך גוף הידע בניהול פרויקטים : (PMBOK Guide)‏
תל אביב : העמותה לניהול פרויקטים בישראל, 2014. ‬
658.404 מדר.גו תשע"ד ‬
empowering_your_library.jpg Connie Christopher
Empowering your library : a guide to improving service, productivity, & participation
Chicago : American Library Association, 2003.
023 CHR e
organizational_behavior.jpg Afsaneh Nahavandi, Robert B. Denhardt, Janet V. Denhardt, Maria P. Aristigueta
Organizational behavior
Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE, 2015
302.35 NAH o
cyber_attack.jpg Paul Day
Cyber attack : the truth about digital crime, cyber warfare and government snooping
London : Carlton Books, 2014.
005.8 DAY c
questionnaire_design.jpg Ian Brace
Questionnaire design : how to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research
London : Kogan Page Limited, 2013.
658.83 BRA q3
knowledge_management_in_organizations.jpg Donald Hislop
Knowledge management in organizations : a critical introduction
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
658.4038 HIS k3
using_software_in_qualitative_research_-_a_step-by-step_guide.jpg Christina Silver & Ann Lewins
Using software in qualitative research : a step-by-step guide
Los Angeles SAGE, 2014.
300.72 SIL u2
developing_mobile_websites_with_html5.jpg David Karlins
Developing mobile websites with HTML5
Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2015
006.76 KAR d
practical_data_science_with_r.jpg Nina Zumel, John Mount
Practical data science with R
Shelter Island, NY : Manning Publications Co., 2014
519.502855 ZUM p
records_and_information_management.jpg Patricia C. Franks
Records and information management
Chicago : Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2013.
651.5 FRA r
exploring_digital_libraries.jpg Karen Calhoun
Exploring digital libraries : foundations, practice, prospects
London : Facet Publishing, 2014.
025.042 CAL e
managing_research_data.jpg Graham Pryor (ed.)
Managing research data
London : Facet Publishing, 2012.
027.7 MAN 2012
the_digital_practices_of_african_americans.jpg Roderick Graham
The digital practices of African Americans : an approach to studying cultural change in the information society
New York : Peter Lang, 2014
303.4833 GRA d
beyond_article_19_-_libraries_and_social_and_cultural_rights.jpg Julie Biando Edwards and Stephan P. Edwards (eds.)
Beyond Article 19 : libraries and social and cultural rights
Duluth, Minnesota : Library Juice Press, 2010.
021.2 BEY 2010
doing_a_successful_research_project.jpg Martin Davies and Nathan Hughes
Doing a successful research project : using qualitative or quantitative methods
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
001.42 DAV d2
the_internet_as_second_action_space.jpg Aharon Kellerman
The Internet as second action space
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2014.
302.231 KEL i
social_media_-_a_critical_introduction.jpg Christian Fuchs
Social media : a critical introduction
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014.
302.231 FUC s
marketing_and_social_media.jpg Christine Koontz and Lorri Mon
Marketing and social media : a guide for libraries, archives, and museums
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
021.7 KOO m
the_early_information_society.jpg Alistair Black, Dave Muddiman, Helen Plant
The early information society : information management in Britain before the computer
Aldershot, England ; Ashgate, 2007. Burlington, Vermont :
025.0942 BLA e
archives_and_recordkeeping.jpg Caroline Brown (ed.)
Archives and recordkeeping : theory into practice
London : Facet, 2014.
651.5 ARC 2014
shared_print_repositories.jpg Karen S. Fischer and Faye A. Chadwell (eds.)
Shared print repositories : working together on library collections
London : Routledge, 2014. New York :
025.21877 SHA 2014
linked_data_for_libraries_archives_and_museums.jpg Seth van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh
Linked data for libraries, archives and museums : how to clean, link and publish your metadata
Chicago : Neal-Schuman, 2014.
025.3 HOL l
learning_jquery_deferreds.jpg Terry Jones and Nicholas H. Tollervey
Learning jQuery deferreds : [taming callback hell with deferreds and promises]
Sebastopol, California : O’Reilly, 2014.
005.276 JON l
a_software_engineer_learns.jpg Dane Cameron
A software engineer learns : HTML5, JavaScript & jQuery
[United States] : Cisdal Publishing, 2014.
005.72 CAM s
professional_javascript_for_web_developers.jpg Nicholas C. Zakas
Professional JavaScript for Web developers
Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley, 2012.
005.2762 ZAK p3
visual_insights_-_a_practical_guide_to_making_sense_of_data.jpg Katy Borner & David E. Polley
Visual insights : a practical guide to making sense of data
Cambridge, Massachussetts : The MIT Press, 2014
001.42260285 BOR v
hmydnyt.jpg טיילור סטיבנס
אור יהודה : כנרת, זמורה-ביתן, תשע"ד 2014. ‬
818.6 סטי.מי תשע"ד ‬
professional_java_for_web_applications.jpg Nicholas S. Williams
Professional Java for web applications : featuring WebSockets, Spring Framework, JPA Hibernate, and Spring Security
Indianapolis, IN : WROX, a Wiley brand, 2014
006.76 WIL p
No_Picture.jpg אהוד רופא
ראיות דיגיטליות הלכה למעשה : בין משפט לטכנולוגיה
[ישראל] : אהוד רופא, 2014. ‬
347.064 רופ.רא תשע"ד ‬
social_science_research_-_from_field_to_desk.jpg Barbara Czarniawska
Social science research : from field to desk
Los Angeles : Sage, 2014.
300.72 CZA-JOE s
discovering_the_internet_-_complete.jpg Gary B. Shelly, Jennifer T. Campbell
Discovering the Internet : complete
Boston, Mass : Course Technology/Cengage Learning, 2012.
004.678 SHE d4
qualitative_methodology_-_a_practical_guide.jpg Jane Mills and Melanie Birks (eds.)
Qualitative methodology : a practical guide
London : Sage, 2014.
300.721 QUA 2014
the_sage_handbook_of_qualitative_data_analysis.jpg Uwe Flick (ed.)
The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014
001.42 SAG 2014

חזרה לדף הראשי , ארכיון


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