ישראל על המפה: פרויקט "מפת הספריות בעולם" של IFLA - נספח 3

בחזרה למאמר

נספח 3: שאלון הספריות והספרנות בישראל – Country Page











The LMW Country Page will provide a space to include a description of the library field in your country. Recommended number of words for this description is 350 (the maximum number of words is limited to 500). This description is a general overview of the library system, main facts and key features of different types of libraries, the role of national library associations, governance and funding models, strategic development or policy priorities, as well as some recent achievements in the library field in your country. The main audience you are addressing with this information are various stakeholders from around the world who are interested to quickly learn about the library field of your country. Imagine that you have 5 minutes to talk to someone who knows nothing about the library system, its developments and key stakeholders in your country. Try to draw a national picture and highlight some of the most important characteristics.

Please describe the library field in your country by providing brief and concise answers to the following questions:

• In general, how would you describe the library system in your country? (e.g. centralized, decentralized, highly developed, in the initial stages of development etc.)

• Identify the types of libraries in your country. What are some of the main facts, important characteristics or features of different library types?

• Which government ministry or department is responsible for the development of policy and legislation concerning libraries in your country? How are libraries financed?

• What are some of the strategic development or policy priorities in the library field?

• What are some of the main objectives/goals of national library associations? Consider broad areas of concern of the associations; the role of national library associations in your country.

• What are some recent national achievements in the library field in your country?





Library Location Resources listed on the LMW Country Pages are web maps which include location data of all or part of a country’s libraries (e.g. maps of libraries created by using OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps or other solutions). Are there any library location resources which list all or part of your country's libraries? 

( ) Yes

( ) No

Library Location Resources

Title of the resource in English: _________________________________________________

Title of the resource in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the resource. NOTE: Please copy/paste the URL from the address bar of your Internet browser: _________________________________________________

Brief description of the resource.






National library associations listed on the LMW Country Page are non-profit associations operating at the national level, either general in nature or specialised by the type of library. It includes national associations in the fields of librarianship, documentation, and information science, including associations formed by institutions or staff (both professional/qualified and non-professional). The meaning of national library associations in the broadest context includes all types of national associations in the information field. Associations covering only certain districts, provinces or regions within a country are not within a scope of the LMW Country Pages.

Are there any library associations, operating on a national level, in your country?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Details of National Library Associations

Name of the association in English (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Name of the association in local language (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Main website: _________________________________________________

Brief description of major fields of interest, goals, objectives. Number of members. The broad areas of concern of the association, major activities.






A national library is a library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents published in the country in which the library is located. The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.

Are there national libraries in your country?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Details of National Libraries

Name of the library in English (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Name of the library in local language (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Main website: _________________________________________________

The role of the national library in the library field






National level governmental institution(s) (e.g. government department, ministry or other entity) which is responsible for development of policy (e.g. strategies, plans, actions, behaviours) and legislation in the library field as well as making decisions concerning libraries the in country.

Are there any government institutions responsible for library policy in your country?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Details of Policy Making Institutions

Name of the institution in English (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Name of the institution in local language (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Main website: _________________________________________________

Brief description of areas of responsibility ____________________________________________





National level (public, private or non-profit) library support organisations (e.g. consortiums, agencies or centres etc.) which either make grants, perform the functions of, or implement projects/programmes in the library field.

Are there any library support organisations in your country?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Details of Library Support Organisations

Name of the organisation in English (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Name of the organisation in local language (followed by the acronym, if one is used): _________________________________________________

Main website: _________________________________________________

Brief description of its role and areas of operation






A national policy for libraries is a document formally approved by the government which provides a framework for the planned and coordinated development of libraries, as well as for the delivery of library services in a country. National policy for libraries may be developed independently or be defined as part of wider policies, e.g. national information policies, national information technology strategies, national education policies, or national book policies. National policy documents listed on the LMW Country Page include general library policy strategies or guidelines as well as policy documents covering the development of specific library types or library functions (e.g. national policy for development of public libraries; national digitisation strategies etc.).

Does your country have a national policy for libraries?

( ) Yes ( ) No

Information about the National Policy for Libraries

Title of the policy document in English: _________________________________________________

Title of the policy document in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the full text (if available, in any language): _________________________________________________

Brief description of the aim and scope of the policy document





URL to further information: _________________________________________________


Library laws are an expression of library policy in the form of legislation or regulation(s). Library laws provide a legal framework for running and maintaining library services, defines tasks and official guidelines for libraries’ work, and lays down statutory responsibilities in the library field. Library laws listed on the LMW Country Page include general library acts as well as library acts covering selected library type (e.g. national library act or public libraries act).

Does your country have a library law (e.g. general library act or library act covering specific library type)?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about the Library Law

Title of law in English: _________________________________________________

Title of law in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the full text (if available, in any language): _________________________________________________

Brief description of the aim and scope of the act, i.e.:

• Who is subject to library law (libraries, local government, other agencies)?

• What does the library law cover (objectives/targets, general/specific services, regulation and inspection, personnel management)?

• When was the law issued and last amended?


____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


URL to further information: _________________________________________________


Legal deposit is a key instrument in building national collections which preserve, develop and transmit national culture to future generations. It is a legal obligation that requires publishers, distributors and, in some countries, printers to provide copies of their publications for free to the repository of the national collection. In many countries this scope is being extended to include electronic resources together with other forms of non-print media. Legal deposit legislation can also impose obligations on the national bibliographic agency relating to material received via legal deposit concerning long-term preservation, description, access, and restrictions on the use or disposal of such material. Legal deposit can be the subject of discrete legislation or may be incorporated into another act or law (e.g., the national library act, or copyright law). NOTE: If your country is included, the report “Mandatory Deposit Laws”, produced by the Library of Congress, may be a useful source of information to review before you fill in this section. Download the report and look up your country.

Does your country have a law regulating legal deposit at the national level?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about the Legal Deposit Law

Title of the law in English: _________________________________________________

Title of the law in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the full text (if available, in any language): _________________________________________________

Brief description of the scope of the legal deposit, i.e.:

• What materials are covered by legal deposit legislation (print/digital, media, web-harvesting)?

• What are the responsibilities of the library as regards deposited material (preservation, description)?

• Can the library give access to deposited material, and how (i.e. on-site, online, only to researchers)?





URL to further information: _________________________________________________


Copyright gives authors or creators of original works exclusive rights to do certain things with their works, i.e. copying, distributing, lending, placing online. In most countries, copyright laws include exceptions or limitations applicable specifically to libraries and archives – this is vital if they are to fulfil their mission to support education, research and reading. The most common subjects of library exceptions are making copies (usually a limited number), for readers, researchers, and other library users, and the making of copies for preservation. Library exceptions and limitations gives the library the possibility to use the work without permission from the author, copyright owner, or any other party. NOTE: If your country is included, the Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives” prepared by Prof Kenneth D. Crews for the World Intellectual Property Organisation, may be a useful source of information to review before you fill in this section. Download the report and look up your country.

Does your country have a copyright law?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about the Copyright Law and Library Exceptions and Limitations

The copyright law includes specific limitations or exceptions for libraries for libraries?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Title of law in English: _________________________________________________

Title of law in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the full text (if available, in any language): _________________________________________________

Brief description of the aim and scope of library provisions in the copyright law, i.e.:

• Does the law allow for basic library activities (lending, copying, preservation)? Is there a Public Lending Right scheme in your country?

• Do libraries need to pay for other uses of works?

• Does the law take account of digital uses (i.e. digital lending/document supply, digitisation?)

• Does the law allow libraries to make and share accessible format copies of works for people with print disabilities?

• Are there any (other) significant copyright challenges for libraries with copyright?

• Are any reforms planned or in process?





URL to further information: _________________________________________________


In many countries, to become a librarian one would usually need to have formal qualifications (e.g. a diploma in library and information studies (LIS), an undergraduate library qualification, or an undergraduate degree in any subject and a postgraduate degree in LIS or accredited certification). Some librarian positions may additionally require specific subject knowledge or expertise, or certain in-job experience. Sometimes professional registration for librarians is required to be eligible working in the LIS sector. Information included on the LMW Country Page describes formal professional qualification requirements for library staff (usually set by law or issued by statutory body in the library field in country).

Does your country have any formal professional qualification requirements for library staff?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Please describe the main idea and the scope of requirements. Include relevant information that would help others to better understand the situation and context in your country (e.g. does qualification requirements are set for all library types, all categories of library staff or librarian positions, etc.).





URL to further information (e.g. include the URL to additional information explaining the professional qualification requirements in your country, in any language)



Education for librarians is often referred to as Library and Information Science (sometimes given as the plural library and information sciences) which is the term associated with schools of library and information science (abbreviated to “SLIS”) or schools of librarianship. In some countries, the term “documentation science” is the preferred name of the field, where information science and communication studies form one interdisciplinary field. In some places, the fields of archival science, library science and museology, have been integrated as archival, library and museum (abbreviated to “ALM”) studies. In addition, lately the tendency is to use all the terms of “library science” and “information science” as synonyms or to drop the term “library” and to speak about information departments or so called I-schools. Information included on the LMW Country Pages refers to the LIS education system in its broadest sense, including any institutions providing LIS education and/or training programmes in the library field in a country.

Does your country have institutions providing professional education and/or training programmes in the LIS sector?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Brief overview of the LIS education system. Include relevant information that would help others to better understand the situation and context in your country (e.g. what levels and type of education can one acquire in the LIS sector, what are some of the main institutions providing education and training etc.).





URL to further information (e.g. include the URL to additional information explaining the LIS education system in your country, in any language)



Professional publications (e.g. professional journals or professional magazines) are important in the transfer of information. Professional publications for librarians provide a forum for communication within the profession as well as serve as a source of practical information for library professionals (e.g. provide popularized or simplified information on scientific research or trends and discoveries; or communicate up-to-date information about current events for library professionals), which drives informed decisions and development through sharing and learning from research or peer experience. Professional publications listed on the LMW Country Pages are professional journals or magazines which are published at regular intervals throughout the year by professional organisations in the library field in country.

Does your country have any major library journals or magazines which are being published at regular intervals?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about Professional Publications

Title of the journal/magazine in English: _________________________________________________

Title of the journal/magazine in local language: _________________________________________________

URL to the full text (if available online): _________________________________________________

Brief description of the scope of the journal/magazine and main topics covered. Include information about the issuing organisation, type of the publication (e.g. peer reviewed journal, online magazine etc.) and regularity (e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc.).






Professional events (e.g. annual conferences or annual meetings) provide a platform to exchange a usable content on relevant topics, help to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and changes that are occurring in the library field, as well as encourage networking with other professionals. Professional events listed on the LMW Country Pages are professional conferences or congresses (general or targeted at a specific library type) which are organized at regular intervals (e.g. annual or biennial) by professional organisations in the library field in country.

Does your country have a national library day/week which is being celebrated at regular intervals?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about the Library Day/Week

Name of the national library day/week in English: _________________________________________________

Brief description of the event (e.g. When it usually takes place? At what regularity? What is the main goal of that day/week? What are main events taking part during that day/week?)





URL to further information (if any) on the national library day/week: _________________________________________________

Does your country have any major national professional events that take place at regular intervals (e.g. annual national conferences, meetings)?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Information about National Professional Events

Name of the event in English: _________________________________________________

Brief description (e.g. When it usually takes place? At what regularity? What is the main goal of the event? What are main target groups?)





URL to further information (if any) on the event: _________________________________________________



Thank you for taking the time to gather information in your country and to fill in this form! We truly value the content and information you have provided! Your engagement is vital in helping IFLA to create the Library Map of the World - a truly representative source of information about the library field across the world! The Library Map of the World team will contact you shortly to curate your content before publishing it online.

בחזרה למאמר

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 19/06/2019