Theses & Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2020 Personal information management of music collections MA Tish, Gidon Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2020 Title on added title page: Government information management and usage via social media in Israel PhD Yavetz, Gal Prof. Aharony
2020 Yad Vashem collection of memorial books : bibliographical, historical and statistical aspects MA Yisrael, Merav Prof. Prebor Gila
2019 Browser search hijackers MA Shai Shlomo Eistein Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2019 Development of a data model for retrievel and analysis system of results from quantitane studies in social sciences MA Shir, Hilel Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2019 Discrimination and implicit bias against women in the academy PhD Cooper Tzippi Prof. Aharony
2019 Information avoidance among people saving up for retirement in Israel MA Perlov, Maor Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2019 Information Practice of Human Resource Managers and Recruiters PhD Ouaknine, Yohanan Simon Prof. Aharony
2019 Legal information seeking behavior of Israeli advocates : a mixed-method reseaerch PhD Solomon, Yosef Prof. Bronstein Jenny
2019 Optimizing OCR Error Correction of Historical Newspapers in Hebrew using Neural Networks and Crowdsourcing MA Omri Suissa Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2019 Public library in the Arab sector : mapping organization and future challenges PhD Massarweyת Shereen Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2019 Sectorial differences in job-hunting perceptions and behavior in social networks in Israel MA Avraham Weic Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2019 אפליה והטיות סמויות נגד נשים באקדמיה PhD קופר, ציפי Prof. Aharony
2019 פיתוח מודל לוגי לייצוג אונטולוגיות מרובות דעות ותיאוריות MA Avidan, Golan Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2018 Adapting the process of public symbol creation and comprehensibility testing to people with intellectual disabilities according to ISO 22727: 2007 and ISO 9186-1:2014 MA Ganot, Sharon Prof. Prebor Gila
2018 By trial and error : the implementation of RDA in Israeli academic libraries and the process of managing change PhD Cohen, Ahava Prof. Shoham Snunith
2018 Impact of personality characteristics on personal information security PhD Reich, Nurit Prof. Aharony
2018 Implementing information literacy into Israeli primary school teaching and learning processes : a case study PhD Ben-Amram, Sigal Prof. Aharony , Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2018 Public library computerization in Israel - status : examining the level of computerization in Israeli public libraries and the incorporation of Web 2.0 technologies in their services MA Lifshitz Manzeli, Anna Prof. Prebor Gila
2018 Shared files - the scalability perspective PhD Israeli, Tamar Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2018 The role of the reading book in state-religious elementary schools, through the perception of teachers, librarians, principals and policy makers PhD Hason, Sigal Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2018 Title on added title page: Awareness and parental involvement in dealing wuth the phenomenon of cyberbullying MA Tamir Tal Prof. Prebor Gila
2018 Title on added title page: Connection between Facebook ecommerce pages and virtual communities MA Metser, Dedi Prof. Prebor Gila
2018 Tools of foreign policy : libraries of intercultural diplomatic centers in Israel MA Badulescu, Anca Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2018 הטמעת כללי קיטלוג RDA ותהליך ניהול שינויים בספריות אקדמיות בישראל PhD כהן, אהבה Prof. Shoham Snunith