Prof. Gila Prebor
Areas of Research Interest:
History of the Hebrew Book.
Organization of Information, Metadata.
Bibliographic Technique.
Course no. 35-703: Classification Systems.
Course no. 35-704: Cataloging.
Course no. 35-734: Organization of Information.
Course no. 35-752: Digital Humanities.
Course no. 35-881: Library Management.
Course no. 35-883: Classification Systems.
Resources in Jewish Studies.
Editor: Schwarts D. & Prebor G. (Editors) (2008-) Alei Sefer : Studies in Bibliography and the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book, vol. 20-23. ( Hebrew). Schwarts D., & Prebor G. (Editors) (2015). The evolution of the Hebrew bookthrough the ages: In memory of Yehoshua Barzilai. Alei Sefer, 24-25 Bar-Ilan University Press. Ramat-Gan. (Hebrew) Refereed Articles Baruchson-Arbib, S. & Prebor, G. (2007) Sefer Ha-Ziquq: (An Index of forbidden Hebrew books: The Book's use and its influence on Hebrew Printing. La Bibliofilia. CIX (1), 3-31. Prebor, G. (2007) "From Jerusalem to Venice: The Life of Domenico Yerushalmi, his writings and his work as a Censor". Pe'amim 111-112, 215-242 ( Hebrew). Prebor, G. (2007) Information science – facing social and ethical challenges: Analysis of masters' theses and doctoral dissertations over the past five years (2002-2006) in information science departments worldwide. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES). 5 (2/3), 253 – 269 Prebor, G. (2008) "Sepher Ha-Ziquq" by Domenico Yerushalmi, Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press . Italia ; 18, 7-302 (Hebrew). Kedar, R. & Prebor, G. (2008) The Power to Name: Indexing and Bias, Meida'at : Journal of Information Science and Librarianship 4, 71-85 (Hebrew). Prebor G. (2009) The Use of Midrash in Rashi's Commentary to Ecclesiastes. SHNATON - An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 19, 209-229. (Hebrew). Prebor G. (2010) "Analysis of the Interdisciplinary Nature of Information and Library Science". Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 42 (4), 256-267. Lapon-Kandelshein E. & Prebor G. (2011) "Bibliographical research in the study of Hebrew printing: a bibliometric analysis" Scientometrics, 88 (3), 899-913. Lapon-Kandelshein E. & Prebor G. (2011) "Hebrew book Bibliography : State of the Research 1976-2006" Alei Sefer : Studies in Bibliography and the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book,. 22, 129-149. (Hebrew). Prebor G. (2012) "The Text of the Hizkuni Commentary to the Pentateuch and Chavell's Edition", Quntres; an Online Journal for the History, Culture, and Art of the Jewish Book, 3, 13-33. (Hebrew) Prebor G. (2010/2011) "Domenico Yerushalmi: his Life, Writings and Work as a Censor". Materia giudaica, volume XV-XVI/1-2, 467-481. Prebor G. & Zitter N. (2012): Classification and Indexing in Yeshiva Libraries: Analysis of the Systems, Their Sources and Development, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 50:8, 830-851 Prebor G. (2013) "Sefer HaZiquq as a Source for Hebrew Bibliography" Alei Sefer : Studies in Bibliography and the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book,. 23, 63-80. (Hebrew). Prebor G. (2013) ""New technologies for the collation of Hebrew texts", Zutot : Perspectives on Jewish Culture. 10, 53-64 Prebor, G., & Lapon-Kandelshein, E. (2015). The literature of testimony: Holocaust commemoration as reflected in Hebrew printing publishing – A bibliometric analysis. Moreshet Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism, 12, 139-189. A Hebrew version of this article was published in: Moreshet Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism, 95, 167-201. Prebor, G., & Gordon, D. (2015). Collection development and censorship in Torah studies libraries in Israel. Collection Management, 40 (1), 27-55. Aharony, N., & Prebor G. (2015). Librarians' and information professionals' perspectives towards discovery tools – An exploratory study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41, 429-440. Prebor, G. (2015). Dewey in the twenty-first century, Meida'at : Journal of Information Science and Librarianship, 10, http://www.meidaat.org.il/articles-n-studies/issue-010-mar-15/prebor- 10/ (Hebrew). Prebor, G. (2015). The manuscript collection of the Séminaire Israélite de France: Towards a new catalogue. La Bibliofilia, CXVII (1), 3-26. Prebor, G.& Aharoni, N. (2015) Librarians' and Information Professionals' Perspectives towards Discovery Tools in Israel. Meida'at : Journal of Information Science and Librarianship, 12, 1-26. (Hebrew) Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M., Prebor, G., & Bloch, O. (2015). Improving proverb research and retrieval with a generic multidimensional ontology. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). DOI: 10.1002/asi.23573 Richler-Grebler, G. & Prebor, G. (2016) Creation of the Hebrew incunabula collection in thenational library of Israel. Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, 26,174-218. (Hebrew). Zhitomirsky-Geffet M. & Prebor G. (2016). Towards an ontopedia for historical Hebrew manuscripts. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, section of Digital Paleography and Book History, 3, 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2016.00003. Accepted for publication Prebor G., "The History of Hebrew Printing in Eretz Israel and the State of Israel". Accepted for publication in: Handbook of the History of Printing in Europe and around the Mediterranean, Geoffrey Roper (Ed.)
Conferences Prebor, G. (2005). "Censorship of Hebrew books in the 16th century". Multi-Yeda, The 23rd Annual Conference of Librarians and Information Specialists in Israel, Herzliya, 7.2.2005 Prebor, G. (2005). "Sepher Ha-Ziquq" by Domenico Yerushalmi (1555-1621) and its Influence on Hebrew Printing".The Fourteenth World Congress of Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, 8.2005, Jerusalem, Israel. Prebor, G. (2007). "Domenico Yerushalmi and 'Sepher HaZiquq' – Censorship of Hebrew books in 16th century Italy". Schocken Institute for JewishResearch, Jerusalem, 21.5. 2007 Prebor, G. (2008). "Information science – whence and whither? Trends inresearch in the field of Information Science" Multi-Yeda 2008, The 26th Annual Conference of the Information Community in Israel, Herzliya, Prebor, G. (2009). "Sefer HaZiquq as a source for Hebrew bibliography". The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 4.8.2009. Prebor, G. (2010). "The State of Hebrew Bibliograpy and Hebrew Book Researsh between 1976-2006"Multi-Yeda,The 28th Annual Conference of The Information Community in Israel. Ramat-Gan. 10.3.2010. Prebor, G. (2010). "History of the Hebrew book and Hebrew bibliography – State of Research 1976-2006". IX Congress of the European Association For Jewish Studies, Ravenna, Italy. 26.7.2010. Prebor, G. (2011). "A database of censored Hebrew books and manuscripts". The Jews in Italy: Their contribution to the development and spread of Jewish heritage, University of Bologna (Ravenna) &University of Florence, Ravenna, Italy. 5-9.9.2011. Prebor, G. (2012). "The battle for Hebrew books". The 20th annual SHARP Conference. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 26-29.6.2012. Prebor, G. (2012). "Dewey in the twenty-first century". Multi-Yeda, The 30th Annual Conference of Librarians and Information Specialists in Israel. Ramat-Gan. 26-3-2012. Prebor, G. (2012). "Censorship and its influence on Hebrew literature". Face [of the] book: Past and future the hybrid library, Bar-Ilan University, ,10.9.2012. Prebor, G. (2013). "Personal testimony – memorializing the holocaust in Hebrew print". The Sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. 28.7.2013. Prebor, G. (2014). "Digital humanities and the study of the Hebrew book". nnual Conference of the Information Science Departments, Bar-Ilan Prebor, G. (2014). "Post-medieval Hebrew manuscripts – A case study : The manuscript collection of the Séminaire Israélite de France". Xth Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, Paris,22.7.2014. Prebor, G. (2014). "Digital humanities and the study of the Hebrew book". The Dean's forum. Bar-Ilan University. 17.11.2014 Prebor, G., & Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. (2015). Poster: "Towards an Ontopedia for post-medieval Hebrew manuscripts".Digital Humanities 2015 - The annual International conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), Sydney, Australia, 2.7.2015. Prebor, G., & Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. (2015). "Towards an Ontopedia for post- medieval Hebrew manuscripts". DigiPal V, The department of Digital Humanities in King's College, London. 2.9.2015. Prebor, G. (2016). "Digital humanities and the study of the Hebrew book". Department of Literature of the Jewish People Colloquium, Bar-Ilan University. 22.3.16 Prebor G. & Zhitomirsky-Geffet M. (2016). "Towards a cross-generation social network of the Jewish sages" Historical network research, School of Historical Studies, Tel Aviv University 29.3.2106 Zhitomirsky-Geffet M., Prebor G., & Feigeinboim A (2016). Poster: "Towards a cross-generation social network of the Jewish sages ". Digital Humanities 2016 - The annual International conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), Krakow, Poland, 11-16.7.2016.
Last Updated Date : 26/03/2025