Theses & Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2022 Public Charedi libraries in Israel MA Leiter, Moshe Chaim Prof. Prebor Gila
2022 Title on added title page: Building a cross-generation social network for Jewish sages PhD Zadok, Avital Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2022 Title on added title page: Correlation between personal and personality characteristics and students' satisfaction with online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic MA Schwartz, Tal Prof. Aharony
2021 "Open access" to scientific publications : trends and perceptions among Israeli researchers and librarians PhD Hadad, Shlomit Prof. Aharony
2021 A model for predicting citation enhancement PhD Weinberger, Maor Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2021 Bibliotherapy as a theoretical framework for examining participation in Facebook groups engaging in reading experiences MA Mass, Hadar Prof. Bronstein Jenny , Dr. Tali Gazit
2021 Communication privacy management process (CPM theory) in medical support groups on Facebook MA Avizohar, Carmel Prof. Aharony , Dr. Tali Gazit
2021 Effect of smartphone usage on family photo retrieval MA Gutman, Diana Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2021 Electronically stored information management : first steps towards electronic discovery : the case of the business sector PhD Alona Yom-Tov Dr. Schenkolewski-Kroll Silvia , Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2021 From Nazi Germany to the Hebrew University : reception of the "Diaspora Treasures" books at the National Library of Israel MA Lipson, Daniel Prof. Prebor Gila
2021 Gender bias in Hebrew Wikipedia : quantitative assessment MA Markowitz, Merav Prof. Prebor Gila
2021 Influence of various data types of integration on organizations' operational decision making process MA Gomez, Ronyt Dr. Elmalech Avshalom
2021 Motivation for self-disclosure and disclosing personal information in public and private Facebook groups of people with mental illnesses PhD Rothschild, Nava Prof. Aharony
2021 Tailoring the task to the crowd-workers in crowdsourcing environments to reduce the abandonment rates MA Sofer, Yaen Yaacov Dr. Elmalech Avshalom
2020 "It took you three years to learn how to return a book to the shelf?" : school, public and academic librarians' : professional self-perception in regards to the librarianship/information science status MA Ayalon, Ayelet Prof. Aharony
2020 Deep blue : Israel national police facing the cyber threat MA Admoni, Achia Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2020 Effect of gestalt psychology principles use on GUI operation PhD Katsur, Irit Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2020 Effect of smartphone applications management on their retrieval MA Perrodin, Yedidia Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2020 Effects of creating school environment and culture for encouraging and implementing reading on students' attitudes towards reading fine literature PhD Buchbinder, Keren Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2020 Formation of community relations in digital regions which are not explicitly meant for It MA Yoav Gilor Dr. Elmalech Avshalom
2020 Influence of a patient education multi-model digital platform for self-administrated subcutaneous injection for DVT prevention on knowledge acquirement, self-efficacy, and patient satisfaction MA Zhitomirsky, Yakov Prof. Aharony
2020 Information behavior among parents to premature babies MA Ben-Yehuda, Eyal Prof. Bronstein Jenny
2020 Information searching behavior of Israeli people : the tourism perspective MA Maman, Keren Prof. Aharony
2020 Journey through time to Jerusalem : content analysis of Jerusalem description in Jewish travel literature throughout the ages : a case study of historical research in digital humanities MA Yosef, Ganit Prof. Prebor Gila
2020 Leader behaviors in virtual support groups : a case study of Israeli support groups on Facebook MA Eitan, Tal Dr. Tali Gazit