Dr. Schenkolewski-Kroll Silvia
Archival Science
Information Retrival
Thesaurus Construction
Latin-American Jewry
Course no. 35-938- Information Documentation Systems
1 The Zionist Movement and the Zionist Parties in Argentina, 1935-1948, The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1996, 398 pp.
1. Judaica Latinoamericana, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1988. Member of the editorial committee with Dr. M. Bejarano, Dr. L. Senkman and Dr. R. P. Reicher
2. Judaica Latinoamericana, vol. 2, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1993. Joint editor with Dr. L. Senkman
3. Judaica Latinoamericana, vol 4, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press 2001,Member of the editorial3. committee with Dr. M. Bejarano, Dr. I. Goldstein and Dr. G. Ben-Dror
4. Arkhiyyon: Reader in Archival Studies and Documentation, Israel Archives Association. Chairperson of the editorial committee, 1989-1999,2018
5. What Students in Archival Science Learn: A Bibliography for Teachers , ICA/SAE, Second edition (draft version), Tokyo, Sep. 2000 Responsible editor for west European Languages and member of the editorial committee with Prof. M. Ando, Prof. H. Feng, Prof. I. Mamczak-Gadkowska and Prof. T. Thomassen
www.ica-sae.org/bibliography/bibliography.html (web version 2002)
6. Judaica Latinoamericana , vol. 8, Jerusalem:The Magnes Press, 2017 .Member of the editorial committee with Lic. Florinda F. Goldberg and Lic. Yosef Rozen
7. ARHIYYON, Journal of Archival Studies and Documentation, 18, Association of Israeli Archivists in cooperation with Israel State Archives, Jerusalem 2019, Chairperson Editorial Committee
- “The Zionist Movement in Argentina 1897-1917” (Yiddish), Pinkas fun der Kehilleh, Buenos Aires 1969, pp. 101-130
- “The Giora Lotan Documentation Center – A Combined Documentation Center and Historical Archive” (Hebrew), Yad Lakore 17 (1977-1978), pp. 3-13
- “Spain and Portugal: A Survey of Archives” (Hebrew), Yad Lakore 19 (1980), pp. 143-157, 226-238
- “Hadassah Medical Organization – Archival Services in the Offices of the Chief Directorate: Interim Report, May 1982” (Hebrew), 39 pp.; “Final Report, August 1982” (Hebrew), 43 pp. (Report certified by HMO directorate, not for publication)
- “Zionist Organizational Activity in Argentina – From `Tiferet Zion` to the Establishment of the Zionist Federation (1908-1913)” (Hebrew), Michael 8 (1983), pp. 62-89
- “The Relationship between the Zionist Movement and Argentine Society, 1935-1943” (Hebrew), Ha-Zionut 11 (1986), pp. 295-332
- “Cambios en la relacion de la Organizacion Sionista Mundial hacia la Comunidad Judia y el Movimiento Sionista en argentina hasta 1948”, Judaica Latinoamericana, Jerusalem 1988, pp. 149-166
- “The Relationship of the World Zionist Organization to the Jewish Community of Argentina, 1897-1947” (Hebrew), Ha-Zionut 13 (1988), pp. 247-262
- “Zionists Versus the Left in Argentina” (Hebrew), Zionism and its Jewish Opponents, ed., H. Avni & G. Shimoni, Jerusalem: Hassifriya Haziyonit, 1990, pp. 181-189
- “The Influence of the Zionist Movement on the Organization of the Argentinian Jewish Community – the Case of DAIA, 1933-1946, Studies in Zionism, vol. XIII, Spring 1991, pp. 17-28
- “Study Tour of Spanish Archives: A Return after Ten Years” (Hebrew), Yad-Lakore 26 (1992), pp. 102-115
- “Syllabus of Modern Jewish History in Spanish, The Modern Jewish Experience : A Reader’s Guide, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York 1993, pp. 372-378
- “Los archivos de SIAM Di Tella SA: Primera organizacion de fuentes en la historia de las empresas argentinas”, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y El Caribe, Universidad de Tel Aviv, 1993,2 pp. 105-122
- “The Archives of SIAM Di Tella SA. Sources for the History of Business in Argentina, Janus, International Council on Archives, 1993, 1, pp. 97-107
- “Training of Kibbutz Archivists: The Transition from Occupation to Profession” (Hebrew), Yad-Lakore 29 (1994), pp. 19-26
- “’La conquista de las comunidades’, el movimiento sionista y la Comunidad Ashkenazi de Buenos Aires (1935-1949), Judaica Latinoamericana, II, Jerusalem 1993, pp. 191-201
- “ARGENTINA, Zionism”, New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel, Associeted Universities Press, New York, NY 1994
- “Los sionistas generales en Argentina, de federacion a partido” Proceedings of the Eleventh Word Congress of Jewish Studies, DivisionB , III, Jerusalem 1994, pp. 369-374
- “The Zionist Political Parties in Argentina from the Revolution of 1943 to the Establishment of the State of Israel”, The Jewish Diaspora in Latin America, ed. D. Sheinin & L. Baer Barr, Garland Pub., New York 1996, pp. 239-249
- “Isaac Kaplan y la tierra: Argentina, Eretz Israel y el Estado de Israel, Judaica Latinoamericana, III, Jerusalem, 1997 pp. 257-273
- “El Partido Comunista en la Argentina ante Moscu: deberes y realidades, 1930-1941”, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y El Caribe, Universidad de Tel Aviv, 1999,2, pp. 91-107
- “Collections of Oral Documentation in Israel” (Hebrew), Arkhiyyon, 10-11 (1999), pp. 88-94
- “Formacion de archiveros en educacion a distancia”, Janus, International Council on Archives, 1999, 1, pp. 126-132
- La colectividad judia de Argentina desde el prisma del Keren Kayemet Leisrael, Encuentro y Alteridad: Vida y Cultura Judia en America Latina, ed. J. Boxer Liwerant & A. Gojman de Bakal, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem, Mexico 1999, pp. 717-725
- “El cooperativismo agricolo en Argentina: rol socioeconomico e identidad etnica, 1901 1948 Judaica Latinoamericana, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem 2001, pp. 47-61
- Continuidad y cambio en las corrientes politicas del judaismo del este y centro de Europa en su transicion a America Latina, el caso de Argentina, siglo XX”, Comunidades de ascendencia centro-oriental europea en America Latina al advenimiento del siglo XXI, Proceedings of the 50 International Congress of Americanists, ed. M. Malinowski & W. Miodunka, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2001, pp.61-71
- “Attempts of Colonization in Eretz Israel by Argentinean Jews after the Balfour Declaration” (Hebrew), Ha-Zionut, 23 Tel Aviv University, (2001), pp. 49-62
- Bar-Ilan University. The Dr. Zorah Warhaftig Institute for Research on Religius Zionism”, Zrodla Archiwalne do Dziejow Zydow w Polsce ( Sources to the History of the Jews in Poland), ed., B. Woszczynskiego & V. Urbaniak, Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow Panstwowych, Warszawa 2001, pp. 501-508
- El archivo del kibutz”, El archivo, los archivos, ed., C. Gutiérrez Muñoz, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Lima 2001, pp. 51-55
- The Jewish Communists in Argentina and the Soviet Settlement of Jews on Land in the USSR”, Jews in Eastern Europe, ed. M. Altshuler, The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3 (49), 2002, pp. 79- 98
- Argentine Jewry: From a Supportive Zionist Movement to a Supported Community", (Hebrew) Kivunim Hadashim, 11, 2004, pp. 190 - 202
- Los movimientos juveniles – una faceta carente en la historiografía sionista de Argentina”, Judaica Latinoamericana, V, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, Jerusalem 2005, pp. 209 - 219
- Archival Description, Information Retrieval, and the Construction of Thesauri in Israeli Archives", Archival Science, v 6, 1, March 2006, pp. 69-107, with Assaf Tractinsky
- "Archival Education as Part of Information Science: The Case of Israel", The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers, "The Archival Science and Archival Education in the Electronic Age", Gakushuin University, Tokyo 2006, pp. 192- 197
- "Comunistas y no sionistas en la Argentina y la ayuda a las víctimas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial desde el prisma del Joint[. Judaica Latinoamericana VI, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 337-350
- "Macro-evaluación de documentos", Anuario I, Escuela de Archivología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba 2009, pp. 76-109
- "Archives in Israel", article, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Third Edition, 2010
- "Tradición y cambio: la relación de la Organización Sionista Mundial con las comunidades de América Latina", Pertenencia y alteridad. Judíos en / de América Latina :cuarenta años de cambios, coord., H. Avni, J. Bokser Liwerant, S. DellaPergola, M. Bejarano, L. Senkman, Madrid 2011, pp. 457-475
- "Ideology and Propaganda in the Collective Memory's Construction: Zionism and Communism in Argentina", Rebels Against Zion. Studies on the Jewish Left Anti-Zionism", ed. A. Grabski, The Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw 2011, pp. 124-138
- "Zionism's Ideological Transnationalism: Theoretical Aspects and Implementation in Informal Education in Latin America since 1968" (workpaper), Liwerant Center for the Study of Latin America, Spain, Portugal and Their Jewish Communities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, http://www.liwerantcenter.huji.ac.il/research-projects/research-fellowships/
- "Religious Zionism in Argentina", eds. Y.Arnon, Y. Friedlander, D. Schwartz, Studies in Religiuos Zionism Developments and Change, Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 2012, pp. 451- 472
- "Kolonisation", Enzyklopaedie juedischer Geschichte und Kultur, Im Auftrag der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig , ed. Dan Diner, Band 3, Stuttgart 2012, pp. 384 - 390
- "Changes in the Transnational Relationship of the World Zionist Organization and the La American Jewry> Informal Education, 1968 - 2006", Judaica Latinoamericana VII, AMILAT, Jerusalem 2013, pp.465 - 485
- "Jewish archives and archival documents : Israel and the Diaspora", Archival Science, 2015, DOI10.1007/s 10502-015-9249x
- "A Comparison of Users Data in Retention and Disposition Processes in an Internet Website: The Ministry of Foeign Affaires of Israel as a Case study", The Future of Information Sciences . e-Institutions – Openness , Accessibility, and Preservation, ed. K. Anderson, L. Duranti, R. Jaworski, H. Stancic, Zagreb 2015, pp. 95 – 108 , with Assaf Tractinsky
- "Transnacionalismo y educación judía no formal : el caso de Macabi Buenos Aires", Judaica Latinoamericana VIII, AMILAT, Jerusalem 2017, pp. 531-546
- "Informal Jewish Education : Argentina's Hebraica Society" in Margalit Bejarano, Marta Topel & Yaron Harel (eds.) , Globalization, Transnationalism and Latin-American Judaism and Jewishness , Dahan Center, Bar Ilan University, 2017, pp. 73-90
- La prensa judía de izquierda en Argentina – los periódicos en idish hasta mediados del siglo XX. In IV Jornadas de Historia de las Izquierdas Prensa Política, Revistas Culturales y Emprendimientos Editoriales de la Izquierdas Latinoamericanas, CeDinCi´, 2007, pp. 145–151
- Preservation of Website Records. In H. Stančić (ed.), Trust and Records in an Open Digital Environment, Routledge, 2020, pp. 167–180. With Assaf Tractinsky.
- Valoración de archivos, calendarios de conservación y metadatos en las páginas web. El caso del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel. Tábula, n. 23, 2020, pp. 173–185
Lectures at Conferences
(The names of the lectures were mentioned only if they were still not published in the form of an article)
1 Lecture delivered at International Conference on “Zionism and its Opponents : The Struggle over Hegemony in the Jewish World”, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986
2 Lecturer at Fifth International Congress of the Latin America Jewish Studies Association, Buenos Aires, 1988
3 Lecturer, Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1989
4 Lecture delivered at workshop for historians held by the Zalman Shazar Center: “The Influence of the Holocaust on Zionism in Argentina, 1942-1948”, 1989
5 Lecture delivered at Sixth International Congress of the Latin America Jewish Studies Association, University of Maryland, 1991
6 Lecturer, Eleventh Word Congress of Jewish Studies, 1993. “Los sionistas generales en Argentina, de federacion a partido” Proceedings of the Eleventh Word Congress of Jewish Studies, DivisionB , III, Jerusalem 1994, pp. 369-374
7 Lecture delivered at Eighth International Congress of the Latin America Jewish Studies association, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, 1995
8 Chairperson of the session “Recent Comprehensive Archival Manuals: Common Ground, Different Views”, 13th Congress of International Council on Archives, Beijing, 1996
9 Lecture delivered at the Latin America Section, Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies.
10 Lecture delivered at 49th International Congress of Americanists, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Ecuador, Quito, 1997
11 Lecture delivered at Symposium ”Immigration and National Identity in Latin America at XIXth and XXth centuries”; subject: “Zionist Identity versus Left Identity among the Jews in Argentina”, Haifa University, 1997
12 Lecture delivered at ICA/SAE Meeting, Universidad de Salamanca, 1998
13 Lecture delivered at Tenth International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Princeton University, 1999
14 Lecture delivered at IX Congreso de la Federacion Internacional de Estudios de America Latina y El Caribe, Tel Aviv University, 1999
15 Lecture delivered at Archival Symposium “Sources to the History of Jews in Poland and Israeli Archives”, Archives of New Records, Warsaw,1999
16 Lecture delivered at 50 International Congress of Americanists, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 2000
17 Lecture delivered at the 66th IFLA General Conference “The Status of Libraries in Israeli historical archives”, Jerusalem 2000
18 Lecture delivered at the XIV International Congress on Archives, Section of Business and Labour Archives “International Conventions as a Source of Globalization of Social Security Archives”, Sevilla 2000
19 Presentation of the Bibliography “What Students in Archival Science Learn” at the XIV International Congress on Archives, Section for Archival Education and Training, Sevilla 2000
20 Lecture delivered at the VI European Conference on Archives, “Archives Studies in Israeli Universities”, Florence 2001
21 Lecture delivered at 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, member of the academic committee for the Latin America Section Jerusalem 2001
22 Lecture delivered at the International Conference - 100 Years of the Religious Zionist Movement, Bar-Ilan University, March 2002
23 Lecture delivered at the First Conference of Latin American Jewry: Their Absorption and Contribution, “The Zionist Movement as a Foundation of Immigration from Latin American Countries”, Seminar Efal, May 2002
24 Lecture delivered at the Eleventh International Research Conference. The Latin American Jewish Studies Association, “Los judios comunistas de Argentina desde la emigracion a Birobidjan hasta la creacion del Estado de Israel, Rio de Janeiro, June 2002
25 Lecture delivered at the Symposium :Recordkeeping in a Digital World: International Challenges, Edith Cowan University, School for Computer and Information Science, Perth, State Records Office of Western Australia & ICA/SAE, “Information Retrieval and Thesaurus Building in the Israel Archives”, August 2002
26 Lecture delivered at the National Found Research Institute, Jerusalem, May 2003
27 Lecture delivered at the Quinto Congreso de Archivologia del Mercosur, “Los archivos de empresa”, Huerta Grande (Cordoba), August 2003
28 Lecture delivered at the First ICA/SAE – RIBEAU Meeting, “Crisis y cambios en el programa de estudios de archivistica a comienzos del siglo XXI : el caso de Israel, Huerta Grande (Cordoba), September 2003
29 Lecture delivered at the Programa de Estudios Judaicos, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba & Casa de la Cultura Judia, “La izquierda judia en Argentina durante la primera mitad del siglo XX”, Cordoba, September 2003
30 Lecture delivered at the Research Conference, Librarianship, Archives and Information, "Archival description, information retrieval and thesaurus construction in Israel", The Hebrew University Jerusalem, May 2004
31 Lecture delivered at The Second Woodrow Borah International Colloquium: Memories, Histories and Identities: Case Studies and Concepts, Tel Aviv University, June 2004
32 Lecture delivered at the XII International Research Conference of LAJSA, "Sionismo de provincial: el movimiento sionista en el interior de la Républica Argentina", Dartmounth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, June 2004
33 Lecturer delivered at the XIV Word Congress of Jewish Studies, 2005. Segunda
34 Lecture delivered at The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers Gakushuin University, Tokyo 2006,
35 Lecture delivered at the VII Mercosur Archives Congress, "Legajos personales como Fuentes de la memoria personal y colectiva", Viña del Mar, Chile, Novenber 2007
36 Lecture delivered at the IV Jornadas de Historia de las Izquierdas: "Prensa politica, revistas culturales y emprendimientos editoriales de las izquierdas latinoamericanas", "La prensa judia de izquierda en Argentina – los periodicos en idish hasta mediados del siglo XX", CeDInCI, Buenos Aires, Novenber 2007
37 Lecture delivered at the International Conference "EL Judaismo Latinoamericano en un mundo de transicion, 1967-2007", , at the Hebrew University , Jerusalem February 2008
38 Lecture delivered at the XV World Congress of Jewish Studies, 2009
39 Lecture delivered at the IX Mercosur Archives Congress, " Archivos de Empresas: de la Destión Documental a la Investigación Histórico-social en el siglo XXI", Universidad Nacional Tecnológica, Asunción, Paraguay, Novenber 2011
40 Lecture delivered at the Workshop Latin American Jews in a Trasnational World: Identification and Socio – cultural Change, The Liwerant Center for the Study of Latin America, Spain , Portugal and Their Jewish Communities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, " Transnationalism and Informal Education: the Case of Club Nautico Hacoaj, Argentina", March 2012
41 Lecture delivered at the Interdisciplinary Seminar of Researches, The Liwerant Center , "Transnationals Zionist Organizations in Latin America : the Case of FACCMA", May 2012
42 Lecture delivered at the International Conference The Jewish Communities of Latin America, Dahan Center, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar Ilan University, "Informal Jewish Education : Sociedad Hebraica Argentina", University of Sao Paulo, September 2012
43 Lecture delivered at the Interdisciplinary Seminar of Researches, The Liwerant Center, "Hebraica Buenos Aires – Hebraica Sao Paulo: Informal Education at Community Centers, the Transnational Aspect", May 2013
44 Lecture delivered at the XVI World Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University Jesrusalem, "Transnational Informal Education: the Case of Maccabi Buenos Aires", July 2013
Buenos Aires", July 2013
45 Lecture delivered at the InterPARES-Trust Conference, European Team, "Retention and Disposition Processes in a Internet Website of the Government of Israel: The Ministry of Foreign Affaires as a Case Study", Brussels 2013 (with Dr. Assaf Tractinsky)
46 Lecture delivered at the Symposium "Information, Society and Industry", Department of Information Science, Bar Ilan University, "The Construction of a Bilingual Hebrew-English Thesaurus for Archives in Israel, December 2013 (with Dr. Assaf Tractinsky)
47 Lecture delivered at the 6th Annual ACA & UBC International Symposium, "Archival Migrations : Repatriation and Memory", "Jewish Archives and Jewish Archival Documents – Israel and the Diasporas", Vancouver, February 2014
48 Lecture delivered at the Seminar "Destruction, Repatriation and Memory", "Yad Vashem as a Model of of Archival Migration an Memory", University of British Columbia, Vancouver, February 2014
49 Lecture delivered at the Research Congress "Information and Knowledge 2014", "Personal Files as Source of Personal and Collective Memory", Haifa University, February 2014
50 Lecture delivered at the LAJSA Congress , "Convergencias y divergencias de la educación no-formal en centros comunitarios judíos de Argentina y Brasil, desde el prisma del transnacionalismo ideológico de la Organización Sionista Mundial", Sverdlin Institute, Tel Aviv University, March 2014
51 Lectured delivered at the Symposium "Trust and Digital Records in an Increasingly Network Society", "Research of Retention and Disposition Processes on an Internet Website of the Government of Israel: The Ministry of Foreign Affaires as a Case Study", The National Library, Stockholm May 2014 (with Dr. Assaf Tractinsky)
52 Lectured delivered at the Symposium "40th Anniversary of AMILAT", Israeli Historical Society and AMILAT, "No-Formal Jewish Education at Zionist Transnational Organizations in Latin America – the Case of FACCMA", Jerusalem May 2014
53 Lecture delivered at the International Oral History Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "'History of the Present' and Oral History: The Case of Informal Education in the Community Centers of Latin America", Jerusalem June 2014
54 Lecture delivered at the Escuela de Archivología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), "El lugar de Archivista como investigador desde fines de la Edad Moderna", November 2014
55 Lecture delivered at the InterPARES-Trust Conference, European Team, "Retention and Disposition Processes in a Internet Website of the Government of Israel: The Ministry of Foreign Affaires as a Case Study" Final Report, London June 10th 2015 (with Dr. Assaf Tractinsky)
56 Lecture delivered at the InterPARES Trust Conference, European Team, "A Comparison of Users Data in Retention and Disposition Processes in an Internet Website : The Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Israel as a Case Study, Zagreb, November 12th 2015
57 Lecture delivered at the Workshop InterPARES European Team, "Research on Users of the English Website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affaires as a Criterion for Appraising Records – Interim Report, Archivschule Marburg , June 9th 2016, with Dr.Assaf Tractinsky
58 Lecture delivered at the pre conference of The Third Conference of Judaica Collection Curators, The National Library of Israel "Presentación de Red de Entidades de Documentación de las Comunidades Judías de América Latina RED, Jerusalem, July 11th 2016
59 Lecture delivered at the Eva/Minerva 2016, XII Annual International Conference for Professionals in Cultural Heritage , "Presenting the Google Analytics as a tool as study for users behavior as parameter to archival appraisal of the different sections of the site", Van Leer Institute , Jerusalem, November, 9th 2016
60 Lecture delivered at the 8th InterPARES European Team Workshop , "Continuation of Archival appraisal retention schedules and meta data in the website: The case study of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Israel, Girona, May, 11th -12th 2017
61 Lecture delivered at The 17th Congress of Jewish Studies , Worlf Union of Jesish Studies, "Cincuenta años de educación judía no formal transnacional en América Latina. Conclusiones" , the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , August, 6th-10th 2017
62 Key speaker at the XII CAM Congreso de Archivología del Mercosur , "Archivos y archivología en la sociedad contemporánea. Realidades y desafíos", Universidad Nacional de Córdoba , Argentina, September 26th-29th 2017
63 Lecture delivered at the InterPARES Trust joint European Team and Transnational Team Workshop, "Archival appraisal , retention schedules and meta data in website. The case stydy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Israel . Final report", The State Archives , Brussels, November 30th 2017
64 Lecture delivered at the International Conference in the Occasion of Israel's 70th Anniversary , Israel: A case study . The Jewish State thought the Prism of Social Sciences and Humanities, "Israel- Latin America relations : Youth movements and community centers as a case study", Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Sde Boker, May 15th-17th 2018
65 Lecture delivered at the study day Immigration and Colonization in East Europe, North and South America , "Between lands assignment and agriculture and nationalism" , University of Haifa , May 28th 2018
66 Participation in the round table discussion : "Argentinians in the Negev : Olim or immigrants". Book launch Between Exile and Exodus . Argentinian Jewish Immigration to Israel 1948-1967, Sapir College, June 14th 2018
67 Lecture delivered at the InterPARES Trust European Team and the Israel Archives Association, International Symposium on Working with Digital Records: Studies in Archival Theory and Practice , "Retention and disposition processes on an internet website of the government of Israel. Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, June 19th 2018
68 Lecture delivered at the XXIV Jornadas de la Conferencia de Archiveros de las Universidades Españolas , CRUE-CAU , Annual International Conference ICA/SUV, "Ideology and practice in the relationship between an university and a research institute : The case of Bar Ilan University, Israel . Universidad de Salamanca, Spain , October 3th -5th 2018
69. Lecture delivered at the XX Conference of the International Hispanistic Association: "Network of Documentation Institutions of the Jewish Communities in Latin America: Present and Future," Jerusalem, July 7–12, 2019
70. Lecture delivered at the Conference on New Directions: Sephardi-Mizrahi Migrations in Global Contexts: "Sephardim, Oriental Jews, and Ashkenazim in the Zionist Movement in Argentina: From Separate Paths to Cooperation," Bar-Ilan University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, December 16–19, 2019
71. Lecture delivered at the Symposium of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University and AMILAT, The “Tragic Week” in Argentina, Hundred Years between History and Memory: "Jewish Worker Class in Buenos Aires: Struggle Classes, Ethnicity, and Community," Jerusalem, December 12, 2019
72. Lecture delivered at the XXII Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of the History of Education, Space, Time and Feeling in the History of Education in Israel and the Diaspora, (virtual): "Informal Education in Community Centers in Latin America – Comparative Research between Montevideo (Uruguay) and Santiago (Chile)," September 14, 2020
73. Member of the Regional Roundtable – Latin American Jewish Archives Network: A Second Meeting at the 4th Judaica Curators (virtual) Conference, What Comes Next? Preserving and Curating Post-Corona, May 3-4, 2021
Professional Archival Projects
1 Historical Archives of the National Insurance Institute, Jerusalem 1974
2 The Lavon Institute for Labor Research, Labor Archives, 1986
3 Recommendations for organization of the personal archives of Moshe Unna, Kibbutz Sde- Eliahu, 1990
4 Survey of academic material, Bar-Ilan University, 1990
5 Archives of the High-school Yeshiva, Kfar Haroeh, 1992
6 Archives of the Institute of Religious Zionism, Bar-Ilan University, 1992
7 Archives of the Beit –Haedut, Testimonial House of the Religious Zionist Heritage and the Holocaust , Nir Galim, 1995
8 Archives of the Gush Etzion Memorial Center, 2000
9 Internet site of The Dr. Zorah Warhaftig Institute for Research on Religious Zionism Institute www.biu.ac.il/JS/riz , 2002
10 Red de Identidades de Documentación de las Comunidades Judías de América Latina, 2016
Last Updated Date : 14/05/2021