Theses & Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2017 The extent of the deception of graphs : comparison between sources of information: newspapers, television and social networks MA ‫Leibowitz, Batel Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2017 The influence of purchase goal and personality variables, on customers’ preference to online information sources PhD ‫Abramovitz, Alon Prof. Shoham Snunith
2017 Usability Evaluation of Navigation Interfaces that Allows Holding a Tablet with Both Hands MA Turgeman, Revital Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan , Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2016 "The integrative information model": a theoretical and applicative model for behavioral change (weight loss) by a structured program based on information and technology (personal website or cellular apps) PhD Weisman, Ravit Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2016 Academic Information Behavior and the Role of the Academic Library: A Study of an Israeli University PhD Greenberg, Riki (Rivka) Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2016 Cross-generational analysis of predictive factors of addictive behavior in smartphone usage MA Blau, Maya Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2016 Does teacher communication and ICT tools supported cooperation reduces teacher burnout? MA Cohen, Pnina Adi Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2016 Examination of weak tie network theory in ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s online communities MA Zigron, Shimrit Prof. Bronstein Jennyead
2016 Examining the health information horizons of the elderly in the periphery MA Matas, Hadas Prof. Bronstein Jennyead
2016 Information Behaviors and Management of Wikipedians in the Context of Their Involvement with Hebrew Wikipedia PhD Shkolnisky, Yehudit Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2016 Infornation behavior of religeous parents of chronically ill children MA Feldman, Devorah Prof. Bronstein Jennyead
2016 Internet use and e-health literacy : an Israeli perspective on the vaccination dilemma MA Goldman, Romina Prof. Aharony Noa
2016 Searching vs. navigating perference differences between mobile platforms and personal computers MA Yanai, Nimrod Associate Prof. Bergman Ofer
2016 Self-Monitoring & Evaluation and its Contribution to Organisational Learning: A Self-Monitoring & Evaluation Model for a Peacebuilding NGO MA Reggev, Maya Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2016 The relationships between personality, perceptual, cognitive and technological variables and students' level of information literacy MA Gur Hadar, Hadass Prof. Aharony Noa
2016 User empowering design : influences of human-computer interaction design on users’ empowerment PhD Gallula, David Dr. Frank Ariel , Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe
2016 User Online Anonymity Awareness among Students MA Weinberger, Maor Prof. Zhitomirsky-Geffet Maayan
2016 Ways to improve teaching and increase intrinsic motivation for learning Talmud in the religious public school system : ICT integration in teaching Talmud MA Koenigsberg, Eliezer Prof. Aharony Noa
2015 Between the cracks? - Examining the relationships between library staff, faculty and students and their effects on solving the information literacy problems of students today MA Yevelson, Anna Prof. Bronstein Jennyead
2015 Bibliometric study of gerontology research field MA Gafni, Ayelet Ein-Ya Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2015 Gender and Internet among the Arab minority in Israel PhD Ahmad, Walid Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2015 ‫The attitude of adolescents towards reading : the case of the Reali Hebrew School MA Buchbinder, Keren Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2015 The information needs for adolescents awaiting enlistment into compulsory IDF service, as reflected in internet forums PhD Betzalel, Rakefet Prof. Shoham Snunith
2014 Building an integrative geographic knowledge system in perspective of knowledge management of the organization case study in a public organization PhD Mangell, Asnat Prof. Shoham Snunith
2014 Characteristics of empathic communication in virtual communities for people with mental health sickness in Israel MA Rothchild, Nava Prof. Aharony Noa