Theses & Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2009 Evaluating information services in virtual tourism communities MA Darom, Or Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2009 Hospital web site usability and accessibility : a comparison of types and continents MA Hartman, Hadassa
2009 Information seeking behavior of Israeli health consumers who use internet for health information search PhD Magidov, Valerie Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2009 Knowledge management utilization in organizations PhD Levy, Moria Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2009 Medical blogs on the web: examining the implications of blog genre on the perceived credibility of its content MA Greenberg, Sharon Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2009 Sources of health articles in Israeli news sites MA Shema, Hadas Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2009 The history of zionism till the establishment of the State of Israel: Bibliometric study of the research trends, 1948-2005 PhD Mustigman, Hava Neomi Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra , Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe
2009 The information gatekeeper: one for all or all for one? A new perspective for looking at the human information gatekeeper as a majority in the organization and not as a minority MA Podliszewski-Lavi, Ari
2009 The use of electronic medical record systems in general hospitals in Israel: the influence on clinical practice of physicians and nurses PhD Ofir, Anna Prof. Shoham Snunith
2008 Adoption of knowledge in organizations: an examination of the theories of self-efficacy and expectancy in the context of knowledge assimilation in learning organizations PhD Feld-Marcus, Talia Prof. Shoham Snunith
2008 Automated assessment of the quality of wikis'content : a user study PhD Yaari, Eti Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2008 Business information dissemination processes within industrial organizations in Israel : communication media selection land the formal versus informal usage of these media PhD Talnir, Leah Prof. Shoham Snunith
2008 Categorized and controlled search engine: a prototype MA Gutman, Shmuel
2008 Contribution of fairy tales to the socialization of sex/gender identity in children aged of kindergarten MA Yavorsky, Irina Dr. Shalom Nira
2008 Cyber-paganism: internet usage patterns among Israeli neo-pagan believers MA Korbet, Rinat
2008 Hebrew morphology: models and methods used in search engines MA Margalit, Efraim
2008 Information needs and information channels at a kibbutz: a case study MA Ben-Lulu-Hatamoff, Gitit Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2008 Information Seeking and Retrieval by Minority College Students PhD Chai Iris Prof. Shoham Snunith
2008 Interlibrary loans and academic research: the differences between users and non-users and factors affecting satisfaction with outcomes PhD Porat Lynne Prof. Fine Sarah z"l
2008 The correlation between level of enjoyment and perceived usability of a computerized system: an empirical study - a case study of e-commerce websites MA Bergerfroind, Tali
2008 The factors affecting the relationship between scientific productivity and email use among university scholars PhD Zimmerman Eric Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2008 The influence of organizational, structural and managerial features on librarians’ empowerment: libraries network in Modi’in-Maccabbim-Reut: a case study MA Rochman, Eva Dr. Shalom Nira
2008 The information as a shepherd in the herd of investors in the capital market, indeed? MA Abramovitz, Alon Prof. Shoham Snunith
2008 The link between knowledge management infrastructure and organizational innovation: an empirical study MA Aivazashvili, Badri
2008 Web 2.0 contribution to students learning MA Gordon, Natalia