Theses & Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2007 A model for citing simple factual datd in the internet environment PhD Miller Yitzchak Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2007 Characteristics of a digital image database to meet the needs of instruction, study and research in Israeli institutions of higher education MA Khagar Julia Dr. Farber Miriam
2007 Characterization of the preferred personalization model for digital library serving nursing school students PhD Shemesh, Moshe Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe
2007 Incitement and propaganda of Islamic Terror organizations on the internet MA Sade Yair
2007 Information behavior and everyday life information seeking of parents of children with special needs in internet forums MA Kochavi Liora Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2007 Information behaviors of Mobility - Disabled on the internet MA Galam Carmit Dr. Shalom Nira
2007 Information needs and sexual identity MA Montauryano Michal Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2007 Israeil news sites in Russian language: evaluation and comparison to news sites in Hebrew MA Gopshtein Svetlana Dr. Farber Miriam , Dr. Shalom Nira
2007 Israeli news sites in Russian language: evaluation and comparison to news sites in Hebrew MA Gopshtein Svetlana Prof. Shoham Snunith
2007 Knowledge management as a mechanism for large-scale technological and organizational change management in universities in Israel PhD Perry Milly Prof. Shoham Snunith
2007 Participation in a virtual learning enviroment as facilitating the enhancement of intellectual thinking dispositions PhD Carmi, Golan Prof. Shoham Snunith
2007 Patterns of use of digital and printed information sources in Higher Education institutions in Israel PhD Beno David Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe
2007 Promoting knowledge management through the formal aspects of the organization MA Greenwald Israel
2007 Ringhts & social services for the third age awareness to the needs of information by adults [ i.e. adult] children between the ages 40-60 ( the sandwich generation) regarding their elderly parents MA Kanias Snir
2007 Self-efficacy and the internet job search: The role of internet self-efficacy, job search self-efficacy ,and social support in the internet job search PhD De La Fuenta Shoshana Prof. Shoham Snunith
2007 The changes in the role of the academic library and the librarian as a case study to the transformation from the analog society to the digital society MA Foyer Gedalia
2007 The connection between the book parade and vocabulary enrichment in 3rd grade pupils MA Asulin Pnina Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe
2007 The empowerment of mothers through the internet MA Vakselboum - Chen Meital Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra , Dr. Shalom Nira
2007 The enterprise organizational potal as crane for improvement processes at work in a cellular company: case study MA Kanias Eran
2007 The internet’s information gift-economy: technological and sociological aspects PhD Belous, Yifat Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra
2007 The process of information quality assessment in web information behavior PhD Fink-Shamit Noa Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2007 The relationship between engineers’ information needs and information use with respect to the organizational culture: a case study MA Avda-David, Michal Prof. Judit Bar-Ilan
2007 Topical search engine personalization: a prototype model MA Druskin Rachel
2006 Aliyah from North America and information needs MA Kaufman- Strauss Sarah Prof. Shoham Snunith
2006 American cyber security policy versus the potential threat to civil rights MA Menashri Harel Professor Emeritus Baruchson-Arbib Shifra