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Dr. Moria Levy


    Ph.D- Information Science, Bar Ilan University, 2010. "Utilizing Knowledge Management in organizations". 

    M.Sc- Computing Sciences, Bar Ilan University, 1990.

    B.Sc- Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Bar Ilan University, 1984.


    Main areas of expertise

    • Knowledge Management
    • Lessons Learning
    • Social Media
    • KM platforms and technologies
    • Organizational Change Management



    Knowledge Management

    Web 2.0 / Social Media

    Knowledge Retention

    Knowledge Development

    Knowledge Sharing


    Course no. 35-850: Knowledge Management in Organizations.

    Course no. 35-884: Knowledge Management Digital Platforms.


    Levy M (2013). Stairways to heaven: implementing social media in organizations, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 17 no 5, July 2013. << Cited by 5

    Levy M (2012). Real Time Knowledge Management: Providing the Knowledge Just-In-Time, Chapter in Knowledge Management / Book 2, pp. 109-127, Intech, February 2012.

    Levy M (2011). Knowledge Retention: minimizing organizational loss, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 15 no 4, July 2011.  << Cited by 34

    Levy M (2010). Management 2.0: Managing Knowledge Workers in the 21st century, Chapter in Implementing New Business Models in For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations: Technologies and Applications, Te Fu Chen, Business Science Reference, NY, October 2010.

    Levy M (2009). WEB2.0 implications on Knowledge Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 13 no. 1, January 2009. << Cited by 215

    Levy M (2009). Leveraging Knowledge Understanding in Documents, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 7, No. 2, June 2009. << Cited by 6

    Levy M (2009). Effective Content Organization of a Portal, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, vol. 10, No. 2, June 2009.

    Levy M (2008). A Case Study of Successful Implementation of a Learning Model, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, vol. 9, No. 4, December 2008.

    Last Updated Date : 26/03/2025