Mr. Feigenboim Amichai

502/4, Room 15
שעות קבלה
By Appointment
    קורות חיים


    B.Sc- Computer Science, Geography, Information Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 2005.
    Currently studying toward M.A in Information Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Areas of Research Interest

    • Technical aspects behind textual information retrieval
    • Technical representation of information systems
    • Real World representation in Information- limitation and capabilities

    Course no. 35-547: Introduction to Developing Mobile Apps Using Android and Java.

    Lectures in Teldan Israel Conference- at the Archivist section: (in Hebrew)

    2014- Personal Archive does this Beast exist in Born Digital Era.

    2013- Enabling Archive Accessing via WEB: the influenced of the E-Discovery on way of performing the Archival Appraisal.

    2011- User Orientation in creating WEB 2 Archives

    2007- Preforming Archival Macro Appraisal in NGO organization that was reach in dedicated computerized information systems. 

    Last Updated Date : 08/06/2022