Dr. Yosef Solomon
Ph.D. Information Science, Bar-Ilan University.
LL.M- Laws, Bar Ilan University.
LL.B- Laws, The College of Management [Magna cum Laude].
B.A- Finance, The College of Management [Magna cum Laude].
Dr Yosef Solomon is a licensed Israeli lawyer (with extensive expertise in a variety of legal roles in the public, corporate, and civic sectors) and an adjunct lecturer and researcher at the Information Science department, Bar-Ilan University.
His scholarly research interests include Human information behaviour; Serendipity, information encountering and adjacent possibilities; Legal informatics, and information practices within the legal profession; Information disruptions, brilliant failures and reflective learning in liberal professionals' information work; Information studies in the arts and popular culture (Info. Humanities); and Empirical legal research on decision making under imperfect information and uncertainty. Dr Solomon has published several articles on these topics in high-standing peer-reviewed journals, and presented his work at various international conferences. He is internationally recognized for his original, thought-provoking research in the areas of legal information practices, information disruptions and ‘brilliant failures’ in liberal professionals' information work.
Dr Solomon is also a member of the Serendipity Society, CILIP and ASIS&T (where he served as the European Chapter's representative for Israel until 2021).
Main Research Topics
- Human Information Behavior
- Reflective work-based information-work and learning.
- Serendipity, Information Encountering, and Adjacent Possibilities
- Information Studies in the Arts and Popular Culture (Info. Humanities)
- Legal Informatics, and Information Practices within the Legal Profession
- Information Disruptions and Brilliant Failures in Liberal Professionals' Information Work
- Informational para-diplomacy (Information-related initiatives of local governments in the international arena).
Membership in Professional Societies
- Israel Bar Association (IBA)
- The Serendipity Society (SerSoc) [link]
- Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) European Chapter
- Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
My scholarly areas of research are:
- Human Information Behavior
- Reflective work-based information-work and learning
- Serendipity, Information Encountering, and Adjacent Possibilities
- Information Studies in the Arts and Popular Culture (Info. Humanities)
- Legal Informatics, and Information Practices within the Legal Profession
- Information Disruptions and Brilliant Failures in Liberal Professionals' Information Work
- Informational para-diplomacy (Information-related initiatives of local governments in the international arena).
Course no. 35-859: Legal Informatics
Course no. 35-442: Introduction to Human Information Behavior
- Solomon, Y. (2024). A failure in the information-work of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs: A call for an analysis of the complaints about the quality of work of social workers for legal proceedings. The Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterly, 2024(1), 81-94. [link] [Hebrew]
- Solomon, Y. (2023). Information disruptions and disruptive information sources in the practice of law: Obstacles in gathering information, through an Israeli lens. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55(3), 671-680. DOI: 10.1177/09610006221097975 [link]
- Solomon, Y., & Bronstein, J. (2022). The information-gathering practice of liberal professionals in a workplace setting: More than just seeking information. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 54(1), 54-68. DOI: 10.1177/0961000621992810 [link].
- Bronstein, J., & Solomon, Y. (2021). Exploring the information practices of lawyers. Journal of Documentation, 77(4), 1003–1021. DOI: 10.1108/JD-10-2020-0165 [link]
- Solomon, Y. (2020). Information encountering at the opera: What Donizetti and Romani’s opera buffa L’elisir d’amore can teach us about pseudo-serendipity in human information behaviour. LIBRI, 70(3), 181-195. DOI: 10.1515/libri-2018-0105 [link] [The paper won 2021 BIU President's and Rector's Prize for Scholarly Published Article]
- Solomon, Y. (2019). Legal information seeking behaviour of Israeli advocates: A mixed-method research [PhD Thesis] [link]
Solomon, Y., & Bronstein, J. (2018, March). Information serendipity, pseudo-serendipity, zemblanity, disruptive discovery and nemorinity: Revisiting Donizetti's and Romani's opera buffa L'elisir d'amore. Poster session presented at iConference 2018, Sheffield, UK. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24232.67848 [link1] [link2] [link3]
Solomon, Y. (2017). Layered humor and information serendipity in Eretz Nehederet’s musical parody: ‘A Sweetheart from Life’. Humor Mekuvan: A Research Journal in Humor Studies, 8, 50-67 [Hebrew] [link1] [link2 - see p. 144]
Solomon, Y. (2017). 'A mule blind of the right eye': Time has come to educate for information serendipity. BeMa'agalei Hinuch (Circles of Education) Journal: Research, Theory and Creativity, 7, 78-86. [Hebrew] [link]
- Solomon, Y. (2016). Temporal aspects of info-serendipity. Temporalités - Revue de Sciences Sociales et Humaines, 24, paper 3523. DOI: 10.4000/temporalites.3523 [link]
- Solomon, Y., & Bronstein, J. (2016). Serendipity in legal information-seeking behavior: Chance encounters of family-law advocates with court rulings, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 68(1), 112-134. DOI: 10.1108/AJIM-04-2015-0056 [link]
- Solomon, Y. (2016). Librarians in flux: The new serendipity agents. Paper presented at #VisDom 2016, Potsdam, Germany (May 27-28, 2016), 3 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3013.2729 [link].
- Solomon, Y. (2016). Serendipity in legal information-seeking behavior. Video to the Movie Meets Science 2016, ASIS&T ESC. [link]
Email: Yosef.Solomon@biu.ac.il
Twitter: @YSolomon_Adv
Mobile: (+972) 52.323.6556
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yosef_Solomon2
Academia.edu: https://biu.academia.edu/YosefSolomonAdvocate
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9508-1127
Personal Website: https://dryosefsolomon.wixsite.com/welcome
Mailing Address:
Department of Information Science
Bar-Ilan University
Max & Anna Webb Street
Ramat-Gan, Israel 5290002
Press photos: Portrait 1 (Photographer credit: Noam Feiner) | Portrait 2 (Photographer credit: Noam Feiner) | Academic Regalia (credit: Yosef Solomon)
Op-ed: The Jerusalem Post (July 6, 2022), The Jerusalem Post (October 9, 2024), The Jerusalem Post (October 29, 2024), Maariv Online (Hebrew) (January 1, 2025)
Last Updated Date : 01/01/2025